Backstreet Boys Stories Part 2

Sparks Fly
All I Have To Give
Because of You
BSB Twilight
Don't Walk Away
Family Made
Forever Always-Chapters 1-20
Forever Always-Chapters 21-40
Forever Always-Epilogue
Friends To Lovers
Friends With Benefits
Helpless When She Smiles
Here Without You
Hidden Secrets
Home Sweet Home
Lost Love
Lost Lovers
Love Forbidden
Love Is Forever
Love On The Ranch
Love Will Come
Love Story
Return To Love
Second Chance
Sparks Fly
Still Holding On
Vengeful Love
When Just Friends Isn't Enough
Where The Heart Is
Where You Are
You Belong With Me

Nick walked into the courthouse and asked to apply for a marriage license. He was getting married to Lauren and she was meeting him there but was stuck in traffic. He went to see a judge and talked with him. The judge got out a folder and looked at some papers.

        “I can’t give you a marriage license, Mr. Carter,” he said.

        “Why not,” Nick said.

        “It shows you are married already,” he said.

        “What, I don’t remember getting married, what’s the date and where,” Nick said.

        “July 5, 2012, and there is no place listed on where it took place,” he said.

        “I was headed to London on that day, with my bandmates, no girls were around and I don’t drink anymore,” Nick said.

        “I’m sorry, Mr. Carter, I will check into this and let you know, but there is a marriage clause that you can’t annul or divorce so this marriage is stuck,” he said.

        “I can’t believe this!” Nick said.

        “Do you have a number where I can reach you,” the judge said. Nick gave him his phone number and address and went out the door and walked out of the courthouse just as Lauren came up to him.

        “Nick, did you get it,” Lauren said.

        “No, we have to talk,” Nick said.

        “What is it,” Lauren said.

        “At the house,” Nick said. They went home and Nick told her what the judge said.

        “I know you didn’t marry anyone else so somehow it was set up,” Lauren said.

        “It had to of been,” Nick said.

        “Want to call the guys?” Lauren asked.

        “Not yet, not until there is more information,” Nick said.

The next day, he received a call from the judge. He was married to a girl who lived in Missouri and he got her information and he called the guys and they came over and he told them everything. He decided to go find out what the girl knew. Nick, Brian, Howie, and AJ got on a flight to Missouri. They landed and Nick looked at the time and looked at the guys.

        “Okay, the information says that she works Mondays thru Fridays at a grocery store in a city called Kearney until 2pm so let’s get going,” Nick said. They rented a car and drove to Kearney and found the store. They put on their hats and got out and walked into the store and looked around.

        “Do you have a picture?” Brian asked quietly.

        “Her name is Brizee,” Nick said quietly.

        “The employees look to be wearing nametags,” AJ said quietly.

        “Let’s walk around like we are shopping,” Brian said. They walked around the store. They saw a girl come out of the backroom with a cart full of frozen juice and was headed for the frozen food aisle. They walked over and saw her putting juice on the floor and she opened a door and sat on a milk crate and started stocking the juice.

        “Excuse me, we are looking for Brizee?” AJ asked.

        “I’m Brizee, can I help you?” she said as she stocked the juice. They looked at each other.

        “We need to talk to you,” AJ said.

        “Well, you can talk while I work, I don’t have all day to stock this stuff,” Brizee said.

        “Are you seeing anybody,” Brian said.

        “Nope, I used to have a boyfriend and I broke up with him because he couldn’t keep a job and I got tired of supporting him and I was barely getting by,” Brizee said.

        “So you aren’t married or seeing anyone,” AJ said.

        “Nope, I haven’t found that right guy, I don’t go out to clubs or drink or smoke, I’m allergic to cigarette smoke and my ex smoked all the time,” Brizee said.

        “Well, you should know you are married to me,” Nick said. Brizee turned and looked at them. She recognized them.

        “What, you guys, I know who you guys are, how is it possible that I’m married to you, I’ve hadn’t left the state of Missouri in like eleven years,” Brizee said.

        “That’s just it, it had to be set up,” Nick said.

        “And you guys think I did it, huh, well, sorry, I didn’t have anything to do with it,” Brizee said.  She went back to work.

        “We are just trying to find out the truth, and how it happened,” Nick said.

        “Well, when you do, let me know,” Brizee said.

        “Can you sing?” AJ said.

        “Nope, and I hate having my picture taken so I don’t have anything to gain from being married to a Backstreet Boy,” Brizee said.

        “Is he your favorite?” Brian said.

        “Actually, he is and you are close second, Brian, and I know you are married to Leighanne and have Baylee, I’m not the kind of person to destroy a relationship or a marriage, I’m perfect content of my life, I have a roof over my head, food, a job, and a car, what else is there, I’m not in a hurry to find a husband,” Brizee said.

        “Well, you have one now,” AJ said.

        “So what are we supposed to do about it because I certainly don’t know,” Brizee said. She moved to the next door to continue stocking.

        “Come to Florida with us to talk to the judge,” Nick said.

        “Why, I told you I had nothing to do with it,” Brizee said.

        “And I believe you but maybe we can get on with our lives if we face the judge and see a way out of this,” Nick said.

        “Well, I hope you all drove because I’m not getting on a plane,” Brizee said.

        “What,” AJ said.

        “I’ve never been on a plane and I never want to, you would have to hold a gun to my head to get me on a plane, besides, I can’t leave my job, I’ve worked here for 14 years, I have a car payment and my folks can’t afford it right now because they are pretty much raising their grandkids,” Brizee said.

        “When do you get time off?” Nick asked.

        “I have this weekend and then I have six days starting next Thursday,” Brizee said.

        “Well, we will leave tomorrow after work and head down to Florida and you will have to get on the plane, and we will be there with you so you won’t be alone,” Nick said.

        “It doesn’t matter, I’m not getting on the plane,” Brizee said. The guys looked at each other.

The next day, Brizee stood there at the airport staring at the plane. The guys came up to her.

        “Come on,” Brian said. They walked her onto the plane and sat in first class. She put her seatbelt on and sat there. Nick sat beside her.

        “It’ll be okay,” Nick said.

        “I can’t believe you guys talked me into this, I hate this already,” Brizee said. The plane got ready to take off. Once it was in the air, Brizee sat there frozen. She couldn’t believe what was happening. She was married to Nick Carter. Something she always dreamed of and here she was going to Florida to find a way to end it but she didn’t want him to hate her and just wanted to get on with her life. Soon the plane was landing and when it came to a stop, she got up and walked out with the guys and went to the courthouse and went to talk to the judge. The judge looked at them.

        “I’m sorry, but nothing can be done with the marriage, I’m sorry you had to come all this way, ma’am,” the judge said.

        “So there is no way out of this marriage, we are stuck forever,” Nick said.

        “Yes, Mr. Carter, she’s Mrs. Carter,” the judge said. Nick sighed and they walked out and looked at the guys. He shook his head and sat down.

        “You have to tell Lauren,” Brian said.

        “Well, I’m going home,” Brizee said.

        “Whoa, no you aren’t,” Brian said

        “Yeah, I am, nothing can be done, so no point of sticking around, he’s got Lauren,” Brizee said. She went out the door and got a cab and went to the airport and got on a flight back home to Missouri and went home and told her parents. She sat down on her bed and sighed.


Nick told Lauren what had happened and she told him she understood and got her things together and moved out. She had ended things because she couldn’t be with a married man. Brian came over and sat with him.

        “What do I do,” Nick said.

        “Maybe see about making the marriage work, no sense of you two being married and living in different states,” Brian said.

        “But she doesn’t want to leave her job and family,” Nick said. Brian sighed.

        “Sometimes sacrifices have to be made,” Brian said.

Two days later, they arrived in Missouri and went to the store and Brizee outside with a grocery cart. She saw them and they walked up to her.

        “What now,” Brizee said.

        “We need to talk,” Nick said.

        “I’m busy,” Brizee said.

        “Make time, or I will get you fired,” Nick said.

        “Make it fast,” Brizee said.

        “Lauren broke up with me, she couldn’t be with a married man,” Nick said.

        “I’m sorry, if that’s all, I got to get back to work,” Brizee said. Nick held onto the cart.

        “No, that’s not all, I would like you to come to live with me in Florida, we are married, we should be in the same house, maybe get to know each other, see where the marriage goes,” Nick said.

        “Are you joking,” Brizee said.

        “No, Brizee, he’s serious, it was my idea actually,” Brian said. Brizee sighed.

        “Fine, here is the deal, I get to put my two weeks in so I can come back to work if things don’t work out, and you meet my family,” Brizee said. They nodded. She went in and wrote a note to her boss and put it on his desk. After work, they went to her house.

Two weeks later, after her last day of work, she was packed up and they went to Florida. They walked into Nick’s house. Nick showed her to a room and she put her stuff down. The next day, Nick arrived home from hanging out with AJ and Howie and found Brizee sitting on the couch with an angry look on her face. She saw him and he sat down.

        “What’s wrong,” Nick said.

        “My ex-sister-in-law is a bitch!” Brizee said.

        “What happened,” Nick said.

        “She wanted the kids for a week, so they go, the youngest one just had his birthday last week, she told him happy birthday, didn’t bother getting him a birthday present, my niece had a birthday eight days before him, she got a bottle of nail polish, but my nephew didn’t get squat, and then the middle one is being a smart ass and his mother thinks it’s funny and she thinks it’s funny that he’s hitting his brother, she doesn’t do anything about it, she would if the youngest one hit his brother but not the other way around,” Brizee said. Nick looked at her.

        “That is so not right,” Nick said.

        “I really want to go deck her ass but that won’t solve anything, she would still be a bitch,” Brizee said.

        “Why did he let the kids go out there,” Nick said.

        “Because he is afraid that she would go after custody of the kids, just to spite him, he doesn’t want to start another war but after the way she treated the youngest one, it’s possible he will make sure she doesn’t get the kids for a week, he will tell her that if she wants to see the kids, she’ll have to come to them and spend a day with them but not the whole week out at her house,” Brizee said.

        “Anything I can do,” Nick said.

        “I just wish she would just go away and never bother my parents, my brother or the kids ever again,” Brizee said.

        “She will, I will see to it,” Nick said. He got up and went out the door. She ran after him and caught him at the car.

        “What are you going to do,” Brizee said.

        “I’m going to make sure she stays out of everyone’s lives,” Nick said.

        “Why are you doing this,” Brizee said.

        “Because you are my wife and your family is my family and I take care of my family,” Nick said. He got into the car and drove off. Brizee went back in and called her mom and told her what was going on.

        “Mom, this might become a bigger mess than it is,” Brizee said. Brian and AJ came in.

        “Maybe not, Briz, let’s see what happens,” Susan said.

        “I’ll call you later, bye,” Brizee said. She hung up.

        “What’s up,” Brian said. Brizee told them what was going on. Brian sat down.

        “Nick protects his family and since you are his wife, your family is his family,” Brian said.

        “I just don’t know what he’s going to do,” Brizee said.

        “Do what it takes, he knows you love your niece and nephews, you have told him how things were and now he is going to make things better for everyone,” Brian said.

        “But you guys don’t know what he’s going to do or how it will happen, what if it doesn’t work,” Brizee said.

        “Then we will get Howie and Kevin and all five of us guys will take care of it, since you are married to Nick, you are part of the Backstreet Family and so is your family, we protect our family,” Brian said.

The next day, Brian, Leighanne, AJ, Rochelle, Howie, Leigh, Kevin, and Kristin were at the house. The kids were at a playgroup at the community center. Nick came in.

        “Hey man,” Brian said. Brizee came downstairs. Nick looked at her.

        “What happened,” Brizee said.

        “She will no longer be a problem for your parents or brother or niece or nephews anymore, she agreed to give up her parental rights and stay away from the kids, there is a restraining order against her and her husband, but her mother and sister can still see them, since your folks said they aren’t a threat to them,” Nick said.

        “How did you manage that,” Brizee said.

        “Offered her a million dollars,” Nick said.

        “Nick,” Brian said.

        “She only took half,” Nick said.

        “So she settled for 500 thousand dollars to give up her rights and stay away from them,” Brizee said.

        “And your niece and nephews were okay with it, they preferred your brother’s girlfriend to be a mother to them rather than their own,” Nick said.

        “And my folks and brother?” Brizee asked.

        “More than okay with it, they officially welcomed me into the family,” Nick said.

        “Wow, thank you, it means a lot, I don’t have to worry anymore about what she’s going to do,” Brizee said.

        “I did it for the family,” Nick said. Brizee smiled and hugged him.

        “Well, since we are all here, let’s have a barbecue,” Brian said. Nick smiled and they all went out back and Nick fired up the grill. Brizee went into the kitchen and got food out. She got everything ready. Leighanne and Kristin came in and helped her get everything.

Three months later, things between Brizee and Nick really started to heat up as they grew closer every day.  Brizee become best buds with the girls and they often got together for lunch or shopping trips. They were at the mall eating at the food court when Leighanne looked up and saw Lauren come into the food court. She looked at Rochelle and Kristin. Rochelle went to Lauren. Brizee looked and saw them.

        “Oh boy,” Brizee said.

        “I think she has it figured out since you are with us, that you are Nick’s wife,” Leighanne said.

        “I didn’t mean to come between them, it wasn’t my doing,” Brizee said.

        “It was mine,” Lauren said coming up to the table.

        “What,” Brizee said.

        “I set up the marriage,” Lauren said.

        “How is that possible, I’ve never met any of the guys,” Brizee said.

        “I did a random search on Facebook, came across your name, decided that you would be perfect for Nick,” Lauren said.

        “But you guys were going to get married,” Brizee said.

        “Cover up, I had met someone else and fallen in love with them and I didn’t want to hurt Nick and I figured that if I could set him up in a marriage, I could leave without breaking his heart,” Lauren said.

        “Well, you better tell Nick the truth,” Brizee said.

        “What’s the point,” Lauren said.

        “You need to be honest with him, he still wants to know how the marriage came about,” Leighanne said.

        “Tell him then, I can’t face him, goodbye,” Lauren said. She left. The girls went home to Nick’s house and walked in and saw the guys lounging around.

        “Hey girls,” Brian said.

        “You won’t believe what happened,” Rochelle said sitting next to AJ.

        “What’s up,” AJ said.

        “We know how the marriage came about,” Leighanne said.

        “How,” Nick said.

        “Your recent ex set it up,” Brizee said.

        “What,” Nick said.

        “She met someone else and didn’t want to break your heart so she got online on Facebook and did a random search and came across my page and thought I would be the one to be your wife so she set it up so she could leave without breaking your heart,” Brizee said.

        “I can’t believe this,” Nick said.

        “So she set it up for you to be his wife so she could leave him for another guy,” Brian said.

        “Yup,” Kristin said.

        “I can’t believe her!” Nick said. He got up and went out back. Brizee went out there with him.

        “I’m sorry, I told her to be honest with you and she said she couldn’t face you,” Brizee said.

        “I’m sorry she did this to you, took you away from your life up there,” Nick said.

        “Well, actually, I’m beginning to like it down here, I didn’t have many friends up there but down here I have the girls and the guys, and you helped my family out a lot by getting rid of my ex-sister-in-law from their lives,” Brizee said.

        “Briz, you are wrong about one thing, we aren’t just your friends, we are your brothers and sisters, and you have three more nephews along with it,” Brian said.

        “Well, my family is much bigger now,” Brizee said.

        “Well, let’s go out to eat,” Nick said. They all went out to eat and went to Howie’s club.

That night, Brizee and Nick arrived home and went to shower and Brizee got dressed and went downstairs and looked through Nick’s DVD collection.

        “Which movie do you want to watch,” Nick said coming into the room.

        “I don’t know, just looking to see what you had,” Brizee said. She sighed.

        “Nothing but scary movies,” Brizee said.

        “You don’t like scary movies?” Nick asked.

        “Well, I have watched Scream 2 and I Know What You did Last Summer and I Still Know What You Did Last Summer, but that’s all,” Brizee said.

        “Well, let’s see, how about this one,” Nick said holding up one. She looked at it.

        “Fine,” Brizee said sitting down on the couch. Nick set it up and sat down beside her.  Brizee covered her face when there was a scary part. After the movie was over, Brizee got up and went upstairs. Nick shut off the DVD and TV and locked up and went upstairs and went to bed. In the middle of the night, he woke up to a loud scream. He put on a pair of shorts and ran to Brizee’s room and went in. He saw her sitting up on the bed hugging her legs.

        “Briz,” Nick said sitting on the bed.

        “I hate scary movies!” Brizee said.

        “Nightmare?” Nick asked.

        “Yeah, I dreamt that I was in the movie,” Brizee said.

        “Oh man, I’m sorry, should have just seen what movies were on cable,” Nick said.

        “I’m sorry I woke you up,” Brizee said.

        “It’s okay,” Nick said. He squeezed her hand and went back to his room and went back to sleep.

The next morning, he woke up and got up and got dressed and went downstairs and found Brizee sitting at the table eating a bowl of cereal. He smiled at her.

        “Morning,” Nick said.

        “Morning,” Brizee said. He got out cereal and milk and sat down with her and ate his cereal.  After they put their bowls in the dishwasher, Nick looked at her.

        “Well, I don’t have plans for today so how about we go to Disney World for the day,” Nick said.

        “Okay, cool,” Brizee said. They went and changed and went to Disney World. Nick had called Brian, Howie, and AJ on the way up.

        “Okay, everyone will meet us there, it would be cool to hang out with everyone,” Nick said.

        “Yeah, just hope you guys don’t get mobbed,” Brizee said.

        “That’s why the bodyguards will join us,” Nick said.

        “That would be obvious,” Brizee said.

        “They blend in,” Nick said.

        “Okay, if you say so,” Brizee said. They arrived at Disney World and saw Brian, Leighanne, Baylee, Howie, Leigh, James, AJ, and Rochelle waiting for them along with Billy, Marcus, Tommy, and Lonnie. Leighanne let Brian have Baylee while Leigh let Howie have James and along with Rochelle came over and took Brizee with them for girl time.

        “So how are things going,” Brian said.

        “Going okay, she doesn’t like scary movies, we watched one last night and all the scary parts came on and she would have her face covered,” Nick said.

        “You care about her, don’t you,” Brian said.

        “Yeah, she’s my wife, for one, and she doesn’t try to control me,” Nick said.

        “You are thinking of a real marriage, aren’t you,” Brian said. Nick looked at Brizee as she talked with Leighanne.

        “I’ve thought about it,” Nick said.

That night, Nick walked upstairs to his bedroom and Brizee came out of hers in her pajamas.

        “Going to bed?” Brizee asked.

        “Yeah, you?” Nick asked.

        “Almost, I left my pills downstairs,” Brizee said. She started for the stairs.

        “Pills?” Nick asked.

        “Just some pills,” Brizee said.

        “Are you on medication for something,” Nick said.

        “No, just a pill I take every night,” Brizee said. Nick thought about it and she came back upstairs.

        “Are you saying you are on birth control,” Nick said.

        “Yeah, but not the reason you are thinking,” Brizee said.

        “Hold on, why do you take them,” Nick said.

        “Helps me keep track of my time of the month, helps me be ready for it, and by the look of things, next week, I will be not a pleasant person so beware, goodnight,” Brizee said. She went into her room and closed the door. Nick stood there.

The next day, Nick went to hang with Brian and told him what had happened.

        “Why does it matter, Nick, if the pills help her, so be it,” Brian said.

        “I don’t know what’s wrong with me,” Nick said.

        “You feel like you are butting in on her private life, but you are her husband, she should be able to trust you, and be able to talk to you about anything, anyway, Leighanne, Leigh, Rochelle, and Kristin are going to the spa this weekend and invited Brizee so you will have the weekend free, Baylee will be at Leighanne’s parents house, and James will be with Mama D, so how about a guys weekend, we can go down to Key West and just relax,” Brian said.

        “Sure,” Nick said. They hung out for awhile longer and then they headed home. Nick walked into the house and went upstairs and saw Brizee packing a bag.

        “Hey, Brian said you are going with the girls to the spa for the weekend,” Nick said.

        “Yeah, so what will you be doing all weekend,” Brizee said. Nick sat down.

        “Brian said something about a guys weekend down in Key West,” Nick said.

        “That’s cool, hope you have more fun than me,” Brizee said. Nick looked at her.

        “What’s wrong,” Nick said.

        “The girls have something planned for me, I’m afraid to know what it is, and I don’t have a swimsuit,” Brizee said.

        “I’m sure you can buy one,” Nick said.

        “Not sure I want to be seen in one, I don’t know,” Brizee said. They heard the doorbell.

        “Oh, that must be the rest of my things from my folks,” Brizee said heading downstairs. She opened the door and saw the UPS guy.

        “Brizee Carter,” he said.

        “Yup,” Brizee said.

        “Sign here,” he said. She signed her name and he wheeled in her stuff.

        “Thanks,” Brizee said.

        “Have a good night,” he said as he left. Brizee closed the door and looked at the boxes.

        “Oh dear,” Brizee said.

        “What’s all that,” Nick said.

        “My stuff, rest of my clothes and my dvds,” Brizee said.

        “DVDs?” Nick said.

        “Yeah, Mr. Carter, my movies, my type of movies, like Forrest Gump, Lord Of the Rings Trilogy, Pirates of the Caribbean, and the list goes on,” Brizee said. He got the boxes and looked through her movies.

        “Oh god, Crossroads, you got the Britney Spears movie,” Nick said.

        “Yeah, I liked it,” Brizee said. He saw the BSB dvds.

        “I guess you like us a lot,” Nick said.

        “Yeah,” Brizee said. They got everything put away.

        “Well, the DVD collection is a whole lot bigger,” Nick said. Brizee smiled.

        “And more than just scary movies,” Brizee said. The front door opened and closed. Leighanne came in.

        “Hey guys, Briz, ready?” Leighanne asked.

        “Yeah, let me get my bag,” Brizee said going upstairs.

        “Thanks for inviting her along,” Nick said hugging her.

        “Hey, she’s one of us now, she should be included, and she’s really nice,” Leighanne said. Brizee came downstairs with her bag. Brizee hugged Nick.

        “Stay out of trouble,” Brizee said.

        “Who me?” Nick said.

        “Yes, you, Nick,” Leighanne said. They left. Nick sat down. Brian, Howie, AJ, and Kevin came in.

        “Well, the girls are gone, let’s head out,” Brian said. Nick went up and packed a bag and locked up the house and they headed to Key West. Three days later, the guys returned home. Nick walked into his house and looked around and put his bag by the washer and went upstairs to shower. He got out and got dressed and went downstairs just as Brizee came in.

        “Hey you,” Nick said. Brizee smiled.

        “Hey,” Brizee said.

        “You okay,” Nick said.

        “Yeah, they gave me the works,” Brizee said.

        “Did you get a swimsuit?” Nick asked.

        “Yeah, why,” Brizee said.

        “How about going out on my boat,” Nick said.

        “Okay,” Brizee said. She went and changed and came down in shorts and a shirt. They went to his boat and he drove it out and stopped a half hour later. Nick saw Brizee sitting there watching the ocean. He went down and sat beside her.

        “You okay,” Nick said.

        “I’m fine, just never thought I would see the ocean and it’s breathtaking,” Brizee said.

        “We can go for a swim,” Nick said.

        “You go ahead,” Brizee said.

        “Briz,” Nick said.

        “What,” Brizee said.

        “What’s wrong,” Nick said.

        “I am afraid of my body,” Brizee said.

        “Briz,” Nick said.

        “I don’t like showing off my body, that’s why I like baggy clothes, I don’t have the best body, it’s ugly,” Brizee said.

        “Briz, come on, it’s okay,” Nick said. Brizee sighed and stripped to her swimsuit and stood there. She didn’t look at him.

        “Happy now,” Brizee said. Nick came over to her. She looked up at him.

        “Yes, I am,” Nick said. He kissed her tenderly and the kiss deepened. She wrapped her arms around his neck as he wrapped his around her waist and held her close. He pulled back and rested his forehead against hers.

        “Nick,” Brizee said.

        “I’ve fallen for you, Briz,” Nick said.

        “I feel the same way,” Brizee said. He crushed his mouth to hers and kissed her hungrily. He lifted her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist as he carried her down into the cabin and they collapsed on the bed kissing. He removed her suit and she laid there naked as he gazed at her body. He ran his hand all over her body. He kissed her neck and moved down and took a breast in her mouth and sucked. He noticed something and touched it with his fingers.

        “What is this scar, Briz?” Nick asked.

        “There was this mole there and it looked weird to the doctor so she wanted me to get it removed and sent away to see if it was cancerous, it wasn’t, just a mole,” Brizee said.

        “That’s good, glad it wasn’t bad,” Nick said taking the nipple into his mouth. She ran her fingers through his hair. He ran his hand down and slipped two fingers inside her. She moaned as he worked her folds with his fingers. She cried out as she came in his hand. He kissed her deeply. He removed his trunks and laid on top of her.

        “Briz, I need to ask,” Nick said.

        “I’ve done it before but it’s been awhile,” Brizee said. He laid between her legs and he slowly pushed inside her. She wrapped her legs around his waist and pushed him deeper into her body. They moved together. He went faster and harder and deeper. She pulled him down and kissed him deeply, their tongues exploring each other’s mouth. She cried out and came around him. He came behind her spilling himself into her body. He laid on top of her.  He buried his face in her neck.

        “Oh god, Briz,” Nick said.

        “Yeah,” Brizee said. He looked at her and kissed her.

        “Now I know for sure, I am in love with you,” Nick said.

        “I’m in love with you, I guess our marriage is official, huh,” Brizee said.

        “Yes, and now it’s a marriage of love,” Nick said. He kissed her and they made love again before getting dressed and heading back home. They walked into the front door and closed it and locked it and carried her up to his bedroom.

        “Move in here with me,” Nick said. Brizee nodded as he closed the door and locked it and removed their clothes and collapsed on the bed and made love. They got up and got into the shower and made love in the shower and got out and dried off and collapsed on the bed and made love for the rest of the day and stopped to eat and went back up to the bedroom and made love off and on all day and night over the next two days. They collapsed on the bed after making love.

        “Oh god, you’ve worn me out,” Brizee said.

        “I couldn’t help it, I just wanted you all the time, I still do,” Nick said pulling her close.

        “We need to rest,” Brizee said.

        “We will rest later,” Nick said kissing her deeply. The doorbell rang. Nick groaned. He got up and got dressed and went downstairs and opened the door and saw Brian.

        “Hey, Frack, was worried about ya, haven’t heard from ya,” Brian said.

        “I’m fine, just been hanging with Brizee,” Nick said.

        “You guys doing okay,” Brian said.

        “Hold on, let’s go to the park,” Nick said. He ran upstairs and sat on the bed.

        “Hey, what’s up,” Brizee said.

        “I’m going to the park with Brian, I’ll be back and I want you here waiting for me,” Nick said kissing her deeply and ran his hand down her body.

        “So I can’t get up,” Brizee said.

        “No, I won’t be gone long, I want you ready and waiting for me,” Nick said kissing her before leaving with Brian. Brizee laid there smiling. She was in love and she never thought she would ever feel this way about anyone.

Nick and Brian went to the park and sat down.

        “What’s up, Frack,” Brian said.

        “I’m in love, Frick, with Brizee, we went out on the boat and I told her I had fallen for her, she felt the same way and we kissed and oh god, Brian, we made love and it was amazing, then we admitted to being in love with each other and made love again and headed home and we spent the last three days in bed making love off and on,” Nick said.

        “Oh man, you’ve got it bad,” Brian said.

        “I love her, and now I know I can’t be without her, she completes me, I know she is the one for me,” Nick said.

        “Did you guys use protection,” Brian said.

        “She’s on the pill, has been for a long time, she says it helps her keep track of her monthly,” Nick said.

        “Well, I’m happy for you guys, Leighanne said that they all had a good time at the spa and she likes Brizee and Leighanne said she is the perfect girl for you,” Brian said.

        “Thanks, man, I better get back, Briz and I might be busy for the next few days,” Nick said.

        “Well, don’t forget that we are heading back to the studio next week,” Brian said.

        “I know,” Nick said. They went home. Nick walked in and closed the door and saw Brizee come downstairs with the sheets off the bed.

        “I thought you were going to stay in bed and wait for me,” Nick said.

        “Well, something came up, sorry,” Brizee said. She went and put the sheets in the washer.

        “What’s the deal,” Nick said.

        “We can’t make love for the next few days,” Brizee said.

        “Why’s that,” Nick said.

        “It’s that time of the month,” Brizee said.

        “Oh, that,” Nick said.

        “I’m sorry, I have no control over it,” Brizee said hugging him. He buried his face in her neck.

        “I know, I just wanted to make love to you as much as possible before next week,” Nick said.

        “I know, you guys are going back to the studio, I talked to Leighanne on the phone, she said you are leaving on Thursday,” Brizee said.

        “Yeah,” Nick said.

        “Well, we’ve got Tuesday and Wednesday night,” Brizee said. Nick grinned.

        “We aren’t moving from the bed those two days and nights,” Nick said kissing her neck.

        “That’s fine with me, as long as I’m in your arms,” Brizee said resting her head on his shoulder.

The next day, Nick went to the mall with Brian and AJ while Leighanne and Rochelle hung out at the house with Brizee.

        “So what’s up, Nick,” AJ said.

        “Nothing, just want to get something,” Nick said. He walked into the jewelry store.

        “Are you getting rings?” Brian asked.

        “Yeah, do you think I should, Frick,” Nick said.

        “Well, it’s up to you, Frack, we are just along for the ride,” Brian said.

        “Nick, look at these,” AJ said. Nick looked and saw beautiful rings with birthstones in the middle.

        “I’m thinking a ring with her birthstone,” Nick said.

        “What month was she born,” Brian said.

        “The same month as you,” AJ said.

        “What,” Nick said.

        “She didn’t tell you her birthday,” Brian said.

        “No,” Nick said.

        “She told the girls,” AJ said.

        “J?” Nick asked.

        “Nick, you are seven days older than her,” AJ said. Nick looked at the rings.

        “How about that one,” Nick said pointing to one.

        “That’s perfect,” Brian said. It was a ring with a purple stone in the middle and tiny diamonds around it on a silver ring band. The clerk got it out and Nick bought it and picked out two wedding bands and they left the store. They went home and saw Leighanne and Rochelle in the living room.

        “Where’s Briz?” Nick asked.

        “Upstairs,” Leighanne said. Nick went upstairs and found Brizee coming out of the bathroom.

        “Hey,” Nick said hugging her.

        “Hey,” Brizee said.

        “You okay,” Nick said.

        “Yeah, just hate cramps,” Brizee said. Nick hugged her and kissed her forehead.

        “I got something for you,” Nick said.

        “What,” Brizee said. He got out the ring boxes and opened the first one to reveal the ring. She saw it and covered her mouth and looked at him.

        “Oh god,” Brizee said.

        “What,” Nick said. She went to a box of her stuff and dug through it and got out a ring box. She showed it to him and he looked at the rings together.

        “Oh man, I picked out the same ring, where did you get this ring,” Nick said.

        “My mom got it for me, for Christmas, I saw it in the store and she bought it and said I will get it at Christmas, I never wore it,” Brizee said. He took out the wedding ring and put it on her finger and then slid the ring he got on and kissed her hand.

        “I love you,” Nick said.

        “I love you, too,” Brizee said. He slid a ring on his finger.

        “Now it’s official, rings and all,” Nick said. Brizee looked at her hand and smiled. She looked up at him and they kissed deeply. He held her close.

        “Is it Tuesday yet,” Nick said.

        “Nope, three more days,” Brizee said. Nick groaned and buried his face in her neck.

        “I hate this,” Nick said.

        “I know, I hate it too but I can’t avoid it,” Brizee said.

        “I know, oh man,” Nick said looking at her neck.

        “What,” Brizee said.

        “Have you thought about removing these,” Nick said.

        “My dad thinks I should, I just didn’t have the money to go do so,” Brizee said.

        “I think you should, they don’t look right,” Nick said.

        “Well, I don’t have a job anymore so I don’t have money and I couldn’t ask you for any, I don’t want to be like that,” Brizee said. Nick kissed her deeply.

        “You are my wife now, it’s your money, too, how about I go with you and I can pay for it and you won’t be asking for it, it would be my choice,” Nick said.

        “Only if you are sure,” Brizee said.

        “I’m getting you a credit card, okay,” Nick said.

        “Fine, if it will make you feel better,” Brizee said.

        “It will, besides the guys and I are heading to Paris and you need to have something to live on while I’m gone, I don’t know what food I have in the fridge,” Nick said.

        “Well, let’s go to the store,” Brizee said.

        “That would be risky for me,” Nick said.

        “Fine, I’ll have Leighanne and Rochelle go with me, just give me some cash,” Brizee said. He gave her some and kissed her deeply. She got Leighanne and Rochelle and went to the store. Nick sat down with Brian and AJ.

        “You okay, Frack,” Brian said.

        “I’m taking her to a doctor tomorrow,” Nick said.

        “Nick, is she?” AJ asked.

        “No, she’s on the pill, I’m going to see about her getting those moles on her neck removed, her dad wanted her too, but she didn’t have the money,” Nick said.

        “And now she does,” Brian said.

        “Brian, she didn’t want to ask me for money and she doesn’t want to be a money grubbing wife,” Nick said.

        “I know, man, Leighanne told me she talked with Brizee about it, she said Briz told her that she wants to be with you for love and not for money,” Brian said.

        “I’m seriously thinking of asking her to stop the pills and try for a baby,” Nick said.

        “You think she’ll want to do that,” Brian said.

        “I’ll have to find out,” Nick said.

That night, Nick and Brizee got into bed. Nick held Brizee close to him and kissed her forehead.

        “I love you,” Nick said.

        “I love you, too,” Brizee said.

        “How many pills do you have left?” Nick said.

        “I’m on my last pack, I should go see about getting more,  otherwise, I’ll have to go back up to Missouri for more,” Brizee said. Nick looked at her.

        “Do you need to?” Nick asked. Brizee looked up at him.

        “Nick,” Brizee said.

        “How would you feel of stopping the pills and trying for a baby,” Nick said.

        “You really want that,” Brizee said.

        “Don’t you,” Nick said.

        “Well, after dealing with my niece and nephews, I told my mom that I’m never having kids,” Brizee said.

        “Oh,” Nick said. She moved on top of him. He looked at her and he held her close to him.

        “But my aunt said the same thing and she has three kids,” Brizee said.

        “So is that a yes?” Nick asked.

        “Only if you are sure,” Brizee said. Nick smiled and kissed her deeply.

        “No more pills, let’s try for a baby,” Nick said.

        “But are we ready for it?” Brizee asked.

        “I know I am,” Nick said.

        “Okay, as soon as my pills are gone and out of my system, we will go for it,” Brizee said.

        “So that’s two months,” Nick said.

        “Yeah, you’ll be busy with recording the new album, we can start when you get home,” Brizee said.

        “I’m all for that,” Nick said kissing her deeply. They went to sleep in each other’s arms.

The next day, Nick took Brizee to the hospital to get the moles removed. Nick sat in the waiting room. Brian and Leighanne came in and sat down.

        “What’s up,” Brian said.

        “When I get home from recording the album, we will be trying for a baby,” Nick said.

        “So she’s all for it,” Brian said.

        “Well, not at first, she told me that after dealing with her niece and nephews, she told her mother she was never having children, but then she said that her aunt had said the same thing and now her aunt had three kids,” Nick said.

They sat there talking until the doctor came out. Nick stood up.

        “Your wife is resting now, we removed the moles and we want you to help her change bandages and keep antibiotics on them to help them heal and not get infected,” the doctor said.

        “Thank you, doctor,” Nick said. He went to see his wife and saw the small bandages all over her body. She was asleep. He sat down and held her hand. She woke up and saw him.

        “Hey baby,” Nick said.

        “Hey,” Brizee said sleepily.

        “Go back to sleep, I’m not going anywhere,” Nick said.

        “One thing, I didn’t take my pill last night, and last night was supposed to be the first night of the last pack I had,” Brizee said. Nick looked at her.

        “You are stopping now?” Nick asked.

        “Yeah, might as well,” Brizee said. Nick smiled and kissed her hand.

        “Okay, now go to sleep,” Nick said. Brizee nodded and closed her eyes.

Two days later, Nick was in the bathroom with Brizee changing her bandages.

        “There are a lot of these,” Nick said.

        “Well, I had most of them removed,” Brizee said. He finished and put the bandages up and hugged her gently.

        “I guess we can’t make love until I get back since you had the moles done,” Nick said.

        “I’m sorry,” Brizee said.

        “It’s okay, just something to look forward to,” Nick said kissing her forehead.

Two days later, the guys were heading to Paris to do more recording for their next album. Nick finished packing a bag.

        “Are you sure you are able to change your bandages by yourself?” Nick asked.

        “Who else can do it, I’ll be fine,” Brizee said.

        “If you need anything, call Leighanne, Kristin, Rochelle, or Leigh,” Nick said.

        “I know that,” Brizee said. She looked at him.

        “Briz,” Nick said. She sighed and looked at her hands.

        “I’m just not too sure about staying in this house by myself, I’ve stayed at my folks house by myself but that was different, my brother was across the road and nothing ever happened there to be worried about, I’m not sure about here,” Brizee said.

        “You’ll be fine, Rochelle said she’ll come stay since she’ll be alone as well,” Nick said. Brizee hugged him.

        “I’ll miss you,” Brizee said.

        “I’ll miss you, too, baby,” Nick said. She pulled back and looked up at him. He kissed her softly. He deepened the kiss. The doorbell rang. He groaned. He grabbed his bag and her hand and they walked downstairs. He opened the door and saw Kevin there with AJ.

        “Hey Kaos, ready,” AJ said. Nick nodded. AJ and Kevin hugged Brizee.

        “Rochelle will be over later, she’s getting a bag together and dogs fed,” AJ said.

        “Okay, maybe she can help me with the bandages on my back that I can’t reach,” Brizee said.

        “She wondered about that, I’m sure she can,” AJ said.

        “How much longer?” Kevin asked.

        “Doctor said a couple weeks of changing bandages and ointment on them,” Nick said.

        “I’ve got a better idea, go pack a bag, AJ, call Rochelle, and I’ll call Kris, Brian, and Howie, the girls and kids are coming with us,” Kevin said.

        “Kev,” AJ said.

        “Just do it, besides, I don’t want to be away from Kris and Mason for any longer than I have to, we’ll be there for four weeks, the girls and kids can be there for the first two weeks and then they go home,” Kevin said.

        “I’ll get a bag,” Brizee said. She went upstairs.

        “Thanks, Kev, she’s still unsure about staying here alone,” Nick said.

        “She’s never been on her own?” Kevin said.

        “Not here, at her parents she has but she was okay because her brother was across the road and the house is out in the country and nothing happened up there,” Nick said.

Two hours later, they were on the plane and headed for Paris. Brizee sat in her seat reading a magazine.

        “You seem better on a plane this time,” Nick said.

        “Well, you guys are with me,” Brizee said.

        “Do you have your bandages and the ointment,” Nick said.

        “Yup,” Brizee said.

The plane landed and came to a stop. They got off the plane and went to the place they were staying Nick put his bag and Brizee’s down in the room he was staying in.

        “It’s cool that you guys are staying in this house, all together,” Brizee said.

        “Well, it’s been awhile since all five of us were together,” Nick said.

        “It’s time to change the bandages,” Brizee said. She got the bandages and ointment and went into the bathroom. He closed the door and she stripped down to her underwear. He smiled.

        “You have no idea how much I want you right now,” Nick said. Brizee smiled.

        “I know, but you know we can’t yet,” Brizee said.

        “You said by Wednesday,” Nick said.

        “I meant with the bandages,” Brizee said.

        “Oh that, I know, baby, I just want you so bad,” Nick said.

        “I know but when we can, it will be so much better,” Brizee said. Nick smiled and kissed her.

        “Oh it will,” Nick said.

        “Besides, you did say that when we can do it again, that you won’t want to get out of bed, so we can’t do it over here, you have to work,” Brizee said.

        “I know,” Nick said kissing her forehead.

        “Nicky, time to go,” Brian said from downstairs. Nick groaned. He began changing her bandages. There was a knock at the door.

        “Hold on, I’m changing Briz’s bandages,” Nick said.

        “Okay,” Brian said. Brian went downstairs and looked at Kevin, Howie, and AJ.

        “Is he coming?” Kevin asked.

        “After he gets done,” Brian said.

        “What is he doing, are they in bed,” Kevin said.

        “They are in the bathroom, he’s changing her bandages,” Brian said.

        “So he says,” Kevin said.

        “Kev, he said they can’t do it until after her bandages come off,” Brian said.

        “Yeah, he said he doesn’t want to risk it with the bandages on her body,” AJ said.

        “How many bandages does she have?” Kevin said.

        “Kevin, chill out, okay,” Brian said. Nick came downstairs a few minutes later.

        “Sorry, guys, we were talking before I changed the bandages,” Nick said.

        “Let’s get going,” Kevin said. They left.  Rochelle and Leighanne went to Nick’s room and saw Brizee lying on the bed dressed and her eyes closed.

        “Briz, you awake?” Leighanne asked.

        “Somewhat,” Brizee said opening her eyes.

        “You okay,” Rochelle said as they came in and sat on the bed. Brizee sat up.

        “Yeah, so what’s up,” Brizee said.

        “Want to go sightseeing?” Leighanne said.

        “Let me change,” Brizee said. She put on a turtleneck and went downstairs. Rochelle, Leighanne, Baylee, Leigh, James, Kristin, and Mason came downstairs. They all went out sightseeing.

The guys arrived back at the house three hours later and found the girls and kids gone.

        “They must have went sightseeing,” Brian said.

        “I thought Briz wouldn’t want to go out with her bandages,” Nick said.

        “She can’t hide forever, it’s a little chilly outside, she probably wore a turtleneck to cover the bandages,” AJ said. The door opened and the girls and kids came in. Brizee went to Nick and hugged him.

        “You okay,” Nick said.

        “I’m great, had a good time, the city is amazing,” Brizee said resting her head on his shoulder.

        “We got to go up the Eiffel Tower, Daddy!” Baylee said.

        “That’s great, bud!” Brian said. Brizee leaned against Nick.

        “You okay, baby,” Nick said to her.

        “I’m just tired,” Brizee said.

        “Come on, you can take a nap and I’ll hold ya,” Nick said leading her up to their room. He closed the door and locked it and laid down on the bed and she laid down beside him and curled up against him as he held her close.

Three months later, they were getting ready for the tour. Brizee was completely healed and she and Nick had been in bed every spare moment possible. He was making love to her. She held onto him and met his every stroke. She cried out his name as she came around him. He came behind her, spilling himself inside her body. He laid on top of her and buried his face in her neck.

        “God, baby, I love you,” Nick said.

        “I love you, too,” Brizee said holding him close. He moved off and laid beside her and pulled her close to him.

        “Tomorrow, we are going to the doctor, we’ve been trying for two months now, something had to happened by now,” Nick said kissing her forehead. The phone rang. He reached over and picked it up.

        “Hello, oh man, okay, I’ll be there,” Nick said. He hung up and kissed her and got up.

        “What is it,” Brizee said. He got dressed.

        “Tour meeting at Johnny’s office, be back later,” Nick said. He kissed her deeply and went out the door. Brizee got up and got dressed and she felt sick and ran to the bathroom and threw up. She finished and leaned against the tub. She flushed the toilet and brushed her teeth and got out a bag from under the sink. She had bought three pregnancy tests. She took all three of them and laid them in the sink and smiled. All three were positive. She waited for Nick to come home. Two hours later, he came into the door and she hugged him.

        “Come here,” Brizee said. She pulled him into the bathroom and pointed to the sink. He saw the tests and looked at her. She nodded. He grinned and hugged her and swung her around and kissed her deeply.

        “Oh god, baby, you have no idea how happy you have made me,” Nick said.

        “I think I do, but still have to go to the doctor,” Brizee said. He kissed her and they went to the doctor and Brizee was indeed pregnant. They called everyone over. Brian, Leighannne, Baylee, Howie, Leigh, James, Kevin, Kristin, Mason, AJ, and Rochelle sat in the living room.

        “So what’s up,” Brian said.

        “Guys, Brizee and I are having a baby!” Nick said grinning. They all cheered and hugged them.

        “How far along are you?” Leighanne said hugging Brizee.

        “Two months along,” Brizee said.

        “I can’t wait to be an aunt!” Leighanne said.

        “Guys, you all are family and we are very blessed to have you all in our lives, we have something to ask, Brian, Howie, AJ, Kev, would you four be godfathers to the baby?” Nick said.

        “You bet we will,” Kevin said. Brian, Howie, and AJ nodded in agreement.

        “Girls, will you four be godmothers?” Brizee asked.

        “You bet we will,” Leighanne said hugging them. Kristin, Leigh, and Rochelle hugged them.

        “Let’s celebrate, barbecue!” Brian said. They all went out back. Nick got Brizee settled in a lounge chair as she talked with the girls. The guys gathered around the grill.

        “So, Briz, do you want a boy or a girl?” Leighanne asked.

        “I just want the baby to be healthy,” Brizee said.

        “Well, that’s the main thing,” Leighanne said.

        “I’ve helped raise my niece and nephews so I know how to take care of a boy and a girl so either would be okay, I have a feeling that Nick wants a boy,” Brizee said.

        “I was thinking of asking Brian if he wants another child, Baylee is ten years old, I don’t really want him being an only child, Brian has an older brother, I have a sister,” Leighanne said. Brizee looked at the guys.

        “You should talk to him,” Brizee said.

        “How many siblings do you have, Briz?” Leigh asked.

        “Just my older brother,” Brizee said.

        “And he has three kids,” Rochelle said.

        “Yeah, my niece was born when he was 18, he turned nineteen four days after she was born, my first nephew was born two months before I graduated high school and my youngest nephew was born the next year, about four days after my brother’s birthday, now he’s divorced and my parents are helping raise them, oh, crap, I need to call my parents,” Brizee said getting out her cell phone and called her mom.

        “Hey Mom, how are things, I miss you all, well, that might be a little difficult right now, well, I’m pregnant, two months, yeah, I was, but I didn’t start my last pack I had, Mom, we know each other pretty well now, we love each other now, I know but it’s different, I know that, Mom, I’m not going to be like them, you won’t have to worry about raising another one, I can do it, and Nick will be here and the guys and girls will be around, they are godmothers and godfathers to the baby, well, when I ended up married to Nick, they became family, I know not by blood but I told you Nick practically grew up with the guys and they are basically like brothers, look, the guys are going on tour and the girls and kids and I are going with them and I know the tour will head through Kansas City so I will call you when I’m headed there and you can come meet up with us, I’ll talk to you later, bye,” Brizee said. She hung up.

        “Briz,” Leighanne said.

        “She thinks me and Nick are moving too fast, that it was too early for kids,” Brizee said softly. She rested her head against the lounge chair.

        “This is your life, not hers, she should support your decision,” Leigh said.

        “Yeah, she should but she’s scared that it will be like my brother and ex-sister-in-law, they got married too young and for the wrong reasons, my niece was six months when they got married,” Brizee said.

        “But you are not her, and Nick is not your brother,” Kristin said. Brizee nodded.

        “But let’s move on from that subject for awhile and we can talk with her when we get there,” Leighanne said.

        “I was thinking of coverting the room next to the master bedroom into the nursery, and having neutral colors, like green, pink, yellow, and white colors,” Brizee said. Leigh went inside and came out with Nick’s sketch pad and handed it to her. Brizee thought about it and figured it up and showed them. The girls nodded and smiled.

        “We can find out if it is a boy or a girl before doing any painting, that way, we can change the pink to blue or come up with another paint idea,” Brizee said. They continued talking.

Two months later, Brizee was four months along and they were headed for Kansas City. She had called her mom on the bus and they arranged for her parents to come to the venue. They arrived and went backstage. Brizee sat in Nick’s dressing room rubbing her expanding stomach. 

        “Honey,” Nick said sitting beside her.

        “I’m fine,” Brizee said. He put a hand on her stomach.

        “You sure you want to find out the sex of the baby early,” Nick said.

        “Yeah, want to get the nursery ready,” Brizee said. Nick kissed her forehead. Billy poked his head in.

        “They are here,” Billy said. Nick helped Brizee up and they walked down the hall and saw her parents talking with Brian.

        “Mom, Dad,” Brizee said. They saw her and came over and hugged her.

        “Hey honey,” Susan said.

        “How are you feeling?” Craig said.

        “Tired, but happy,” Brizee said.

        “Your father and I talked and we came to a decision, we can’t wait to be grandparents again, we support your decision, it’s your life, Briz, it was your choice, Nick really helped us out and he is family, and so are the guys and girls and kids,” Susan said looking at everyone.

        “Mom,” Brizee said.

        “What, Briz,” Susan said. Brizee hugged her.

        “I love you,” Brizee said.

        “I love you, too,” Susan said. Craig hugged them both.

        “Nick, come here,” Craig said. Nick joined the hug.

        “Brian, Leighanne, Kevin, Kristin, Howie, Leigh, AJ, Rochelle, you guys take great care of Nick and Brizee and please take great care of our grandbaby,” Susan said.

        “We will,” they said.

        “How long can you guys stay,” Nick said.

        “Karly is at Alycia’s, they are coming for the show, the boys are with Blake so we can stay for the show,” Susan said.

        “Okay, you can sit in the VIP booth with the girls,” Nick said. Susan smiled.

        “And Karly and her friend can when they get here,” Brian said. Susan sent her a message. An hour later, the guys were onstage rehearsing while the girls and Brizee’s parents sat in the front row. Billy brought Karly and Alycia in. Karly and Brizee hugged. Brizee introduced Karly and Alycia to the girls. Tommy brought Baylee, James, and Mason to their moms. Brizee introduced the kids to her parents, Karly, and Alycia. Karly and Alycia played with them and formed an instant bond with the kids. Soon, Karly and Alycia sat with the kids and watched the guys. The guys took a break and sat down and Brizee introduced Karly and Alycia. Billy brought in her brother and nephews. They all were introduced to the girls.

That night, Brizee, Rochelle, Kristin, Mason, Leighanne, Baylee, Leigh, James, Karly, Alycia, Blake, Kenny, TJ, Susan, and Craig were in the VIP section watching the show. After the show, they went backstage. Kevin came out of the showers followed by Howie and AJ. Brian and Nick came out. Brizee hugged her family. Blake left with her nephews. Karly and Alycia said bye to everyone and hugged the kids and left. Craig and Susan were the last to leave. Brizee and her mother hugged.

        “You keep me informed, and call when it’s time,” Susan said. Brizee nodded and they hugged and her parents left. She watched them leave. Nick hugged her.

Two months later, the tour was over and they were home for four months before going to Europe. Brizee was in bed resting. She recently had a scare and was told to rest most of the time and only getting up to use the bathroom and shower. Nick came in with a glass of juice. He put it on the nightstand and sat on the bed and rubbed her stomach.

        “Your mom called, she wants to come down but has to wait for a good time to go on a long vacation, she said she has three weeks of vacation,” Nick said.

        “I need to call her and tell her to wait until it gets close to my due date,” Brizee said.

        “I’ll call, you rest, okay,” Nick said. Brizee nodded. He kissed her forehead.

        “I love you,” Brizee said.

Two days later, they were at the doctor’s office for a checkup.

        “She’s been resting,” Nick said. Dr. Kelly nodded.

        “So far, you are out of danger, but I still want you to rest as much as possible,” Dr. Kelly said.

        “I will,” Brizee said.

        “You two wanted to know the sex of the baby, right,” Dr. Kelly said.

        “Yeah, we want to get the nursery ready,” Nick said.

        “Well, plan for blue, you two are having a boy,” Dr. Kelly said. Brizee looked at Nick. He kissed her forehead. They went home and he settled her into bed.

        “So you are happy,” Brizee said.

        “I would have been happy either way, honey,” Nick said.

        “Okay,” Brizee said. He laid beside her and held her as she went to sleep.

The next day, Brian and AJ came over wanting to hang out with Nick. Nick was unsure about going. Brizee pushed him to go and she promised to rest. Nick got her set up with water and movies and kissed her and promised to be back in an hour or so. She closed her eyes. She was woken up by the doorbell. She heard footsteps downstairs and heard the front door open. She heard footsteps coming up the stairs. She looked at the door just as Billy appeared.

        “Billy,” Brizee said.

        “Nick asked me to hang out here and make sure nothing happens, someone is here to see you, well, to meet you,” Billy said. Brizee looked at him. She looked at the time and saw that she had been asleep for more than an hour.

        “Where’s Nick, is he back yet?” Brizee asked.

        “Not yet,” Billy said.

        “Who is here?” Brizee said trying to sit up. A woman came into the bedroom.

        “This is Jane Carter, Nick’s mother,” Billy said.

        “You are Brizee,” Jane said.

        “Yes, I am,” Brizee said.

        “You must be enjoying this,” Jane said.

        “What,” Brizee said.

        “Not having to work, living off my son,” Jane said.

        “Have you heard the entire story, about how me and Nick ended up married,” Brizee said.

        “No,” Jane said.

        “Ask his last girlfriend, she set it up,” Brizee said.

        “What,” Jane said.

        “Lauren met another guy, she didn’t want to break Nick’s heart by leaving him for another guy so she got online and searched Facebook and found my page and thought I would be perfect for Nick, the guys came to find me, I was doing just fine before they came, Nick wanted to make it work, we got to know each other and fell in love, he wanted to start working on having kids so here we are, I’m six months along with your grandchild, I’m not with Nick for his money, he could be poor and I would still be here,” Brizee said calmly. Jane sat on the bed.

        “I’m sorry, let’s start over, hi I’m Jane, Nick’s mom, your mother-in-law,” Jane said holding out her hand.

        “Brizee, Nick’s wife, your daughter-in-law, mother of your grandchild,” Brizee said shaking her hand. They were talking and getting to know each other when Nick came in and saw them. He looked at Billy.

        “You let her in,” Nick said.

        “Sorry, boss, she wanted to meet Briz,” Billy said.

        “Nick,” Jane said standing up.

        “Why are you here,” Nick said.

        “I wanted to meet Brizee,” Jane said.

        “So you say,” Nick said.

        “Nick,” Jane said.

        “You want money, don’t you,” Nick said.

        “Nick, no, I just wanted to meet my daughter-in-law, and I wanted you to know that I want to work on getting our relationship back on track,” Jane said.

        “Yeah right,” Nick said.

        “Nick,” Brizee said.

        “What exactly went on here,” Nick said sitting on the bed. Brizee told him everything. Nick looked at his mother.

        “Brizee isn’t after anything, she is with me because we love each other and want to be together, she doesn’t want a record deal or anything, she hates having her picture taken, she is perfect for me, she doesn’t ask for much,” Nick said taking Brizee’s hand in his.

        “Nick, we were talking about it when you came in, she is being supportive,” Brizee said.

        “I want to work on our relationship, Nick, get it back on track, and I will do anything to get it back,” Jane said.

        “Because of our problems, I couldn’t come to Leslie’s funeral, I couldn’t say goodbye to my little sis,” Nick said.

        “And I want to make up for that, how about going with me to New York,” Jane said. Nick looked at Brizee.

        “I can’t leave Briz,” Nick said.

        “Nick, you should go, Billy’s here,” Brizee said.

        “Briz,” Nick said.

        “You need to do this,” Brizee said.

        “Okay, if you need anything, call me or the guys,” Nick said. Brizee nodded and he hugged her. He kissed her and leaned down and kissed her stomach.

        “Hey little one, you be good for Mom and let her rest,” Nick said softly. Brizee smiled. Nick kissed her and left with Jane. Brizee leaned against the pillows. A few hours later, Billy helped her down to the couch and got her settled and she picked a movie and he put it in. The front door opened and closed. Brian, Leighanne, Kevin, Kristin, AJ, Rochelle, Howie, and Leigh came in.

        “Hey Briz!” Brian said as they all sat down.

        “Hey guys,” Brizee said.

        “Where’s Nick,” Kevin said.

        “On his way to New York with Jane,” Brizee said.

        “Jane was here,” Howie said.

        “Yeah,” Brizee said. She told them what was going on.

        “I hope this is for real, that she wants a relationship with him again,” Brian said. Brizee grabbed her stomach.

        “Briz,” Leighanne said.

        “Something’s wrong,” Brizee said. They took her to the hospital. She told them not to call Nick.

        “Briz, he is your husband and the father,” Brian said.

        “But he needs to go with his mom and say goodbye to Leslie, he needs that chance,” Brizee said. She was sitting in an examine room and Brian was with her. Dr. Kelly came in and examined her.  Brizee told her what had happened that day.

        “You need to stay relaxed and calm, Brizee, no stress, which means no yelling, getting worked up over something, you need to stay stress-free,” Dr. Kelly said. Brizee nodded.

        “I didn’t know I was getting that way, I was staying calm,” Brizee said softly. Brian helped her out to the waiting room. They went to the house. Brian got Brizee settled into bed and went downstairs.

        “Okay, no one is allowed up there that isn’t anyone in this room right now, we should stay here until Nick gets home, Baylee is with Leighanne’s folks, he’ll be okay,” Brian said.

        “Mason is with my mom so he’ll be okay,” Kevin said.

        “And James is with Mama D, he’ll be okay, so we are all agreed, we are not leaving until Nick gets home,” Howie said.

        “And after that, you guys go on, me and Rochelle will stay here and help them,” AJ said looking at Rochelle who nodded.

Three days later, Nick came home and saw them all there.

        “Hey guys,” Nick said.

        “Hey Frack, how did things go,” Brian said.

        “Good, emotional,” Nick said. Brian hugged him.

        “Briz told us everything,” Brian said. Nick looked around and saw sleeping bags.

        “Did you all stay here,” Nick said.

        “Yeah, we decided to stay until you got back,” Howie said.

        “And AJ and Rochelle are going to stay longer and help you guys out,” Kevin said.

        “Is Briz okay,” Nick said.

        “Nick, after you left, she had another scare, she’s fine, the baby’s fine, she just need to stay calm and relaxed and no stress so we all decided to stay with her,” Brian said.

        “Why didn’t you guys call me,” Nick said.

        “She told us not to, we wanted to but she said you needed the chance to say goodbye to Leslie with your mother and family,” Brian said. Nick sighed.

        “She still should have called me,” Nick said.

        “Nick, don’t be mad at her,” Kevin said.

        “I can’t,” Nick said. He went upstairs and went into the bedroom and sat on the bed. Brizee woke up and saw him.

        “Hey baby,” Nick said.

        “They told you,” Brizee said.

        “Yeah, don’t keep me in the dark,” Nick said.

        “I’m sorry, I just wanted you to have the chance to say goodbye to Leslie with your family, you needed that chance,” Brizee said taking his hand. He brought her hand up and kissed it and laid down beside her and kissed her and rubbed her stomach. She put her hand over his.

        “I don’t know what I would do if I lost you or our baby boy,” Nick said. He rested his head on her shoulder. She kissed his forehead. They heard the doorbell rang.

Brian got up and opened the door and saw Lauren standing there. Kevin came to the door.

        “Lauren, what are you doing here,” Kevin said.

        “I wanted to talk to Nick,” Lauren said.

        “About what, we’ve told him what you did,” Kristin said.

        “Was he mad?” Lauren said.

        “What do you think, Lauren, you set him up in a marriage, to cover up the fact you met another guy and didn’t want to hurt him, but you did, but that doesn’t matter anymore, he and Brizee got to know each other, fell in love, and now they are having a baby,” Brian said.

        “And they are happy together?” Lauren said.

        “Yes, they are, very happy and deeply in love with each other,” Brian said. Nick came downstairs and saw her.

        “What are you doing here,” Nick said.

        “I wanted to talk to you,” Lauren said.

        “What is there to talk about, Lauren, you made your choice, you wanted to save me pain by getting me married to someone else so you have the excuse to leave me and all this for another guy, what happened, things didn’t work out with him,” Nick said. Lauren looked at him.

        “Actually they are, I’m engaged,” Lauren said.

        “Congrats, I hope you are happy with him, I want to thank you, for what you did, she is an amazing person, she has nothing to gain by being my wife, she loves me for me and not for what she can get out of it,” Nick said.

        “Well, I’m happy for you, have a nice life, Nick,” Lauren said. She left. Nick looked at the guys and went back upstairs. He laid down on the bed and watched his wife sleep. He rested a hand on her stomach.

Two months later, Brizee was eight months along. Dr. Kelly told her that she can move around the house and go places, but she can’t drive. She needed to get caught up on getting baby stuff. She and Leighanne were shopping for clothes for the baby. Since she hadn’t been out for awhile, Brizee had to start wearing a pair of Nick’s track pants and one of his button shirts that would still look baggy on her. Since Nick had lost weight, he had the clothes stored in the spare bedroom closet. Nick and Brian were at the mall with them. Brizee found some baby clothes and paid for them and she and Leighanne headed to find the guys. They found them in the music store looking at cds.

        “Hey guys,” Brizee said. Nick smiled and hugged her close to him. Brian hugged Leighanne.

        “Did you find some clothes,” Nick said.

        “For the baby, yep, me, nah, your old clothes fit just fine,” Brizee said.

        “Yeah, good thing you kept those, Nick,” Leighanne said.

        “Yeah, well, I have a feeling I’ll be back in those clothes,” Nick said.

        “No, you won’t, with all the dancing you guys do, you will stay in shape,” Brizee said.

        “I know,” Nick said.

        “Besides, who knows how I will look after having the baby, I might not lose any of the baby weight,” Brizee said.

        “Briz,” Nick said.

        “I don’t like to exercise,” Brizee said.

        “You don’t jog,” Nick said.

        “No, I’ve got a bad foot,” Brizee said.

        “What,” Nick said.

        “My right foot, you haven’t noticed that it’s different than my left foot,” Brizee said. Nick shook his head.

        “Let’s get going,” Brian said. They went home. Nick helped Brizee sit on the couch and took off her shoes and socks and looked at her feet.

        “You’re right,” Nick said.

        “It’s called a bunion, I’ve had it since I was little, it always hurt a lot growing up but then it never hurt, but I never went for surgery because I didn’t have health insurance and I couldn’t afford to take off work, I would have to be off for eight weeks, so I never went to get it done, I just learned to live with it, it doesn’t bug me anymore so I’m not worried about it,” Brizee said. Nick looked at her.

        “After you have the baby, you are having it done,” Nick said. Brizee sighed.

        “Nick, no, it isn’t bugging me, I’m not worried about it, it’s not a big deal,” Brizee said.

        “Don’t argue with me,” Nick said.

        “Well, it should be my choice, Nick, it is my foot, not yours,” Brizee said.

        “But you are my wife,” Nick said.

        “So, I’m not going to be told what to do, if I don’t need it, then it will not be done,” Brizee said. She looked away from him. Nick took her hand.

        “I’m sorry, baby,” Nick said.

        “I know I need to have surgery on it but it isn’t bugging me,” Brizee said.

        “Let me know if it does,” Nick said.

        “I will,” Brizee said.

        “Now about the nursery,” Nick said. He got some magazines and she looked through them. She pointed to one.

        “This one,” Brizee said.

        “Ocean theme,” Nick said.

        “Yes, waterboy,” Brizee said.

        “What are you thinking about for the walls,” Nick said.

        “Well, the ceiling can be painted like the sky with clouds on a sunny day, have some of the sky come down on the walls and then waves and the ocean towards the bottom and then have carpet on the floor with the color of sand, it will be like a beach theme,” Brizee said.

Three weeks later, Brizee was due any day and her mom was there with them. Nick got the nursery done and Brizee stood at the doorway. Nick stood behind her and had his arms around her. She rested against him.

        “It’s perfect,” Brizee said.

        “I knew you would like it,” Nick said kissing her neck. She felt something and looked at him.

        “I think it’s time,” Brizee said. He got her bag and helped her downstairs and out to the car. Susan got in and they went to the hospital. He called the guys and his family. Susan called Craig and told him.  Brizee was in a room with Nick by her side. Dr. Kelly checked her.

        “You are in the early stages so it will be awhile, I’ll be back to check on you,” Dr. Kelly said. She left the room. Brizee rested against the pillows.

        “How about thinking of a name,” Nick said.

        “Jason Robert Carter,” Brizee said.

        “You are giving him the middle name of Robert,” Nick said. Brizee nodded.

        “Not a good idea?” Brizee asked. Nick stood up and sat on the bed and kissed her softly and rubbed her stomach.

        “No, I love it, it means a lot that you want my dad’s name in there,” Nick said.

        “It seems right,” Brizee said.

        “I thought you would want your dad’s name in there or something,” Nick said.

        “My nephews have that covered,” Brizee said.

        “What,” Nick said.

        “TJ’s name is Blakely Allen Theodore Breckenridge JR, Allen was my grandpa’s name, my dad’s dad, and Theodore is my mom’s dad’s name, Kenny is Kenneth Craig Breckenridge, Kenneth was my ex-sister-in-law’s dad’s name, and of course my dad’s name is the middle name,” Brizee said.

        “So you went with my dad’s name because you couldn’t have your own,” Nick said.

        “That’s not it, I know your dad means a lot to you and it makes more sense for your son to have your dad’s name instead of mine, my brother is my dad’s son so he got my dad’s name for his sons, I’m the daughter, it is only right that your dad’s name is in your son’s name,” Brizee said.

        “Briz,” Nick said.

        “Okay, fine, you come up with a name then,” Brizee said. She crossed her arms and looked out the window. Nick took her hand in his. She looked at him.

        “I’m sorry, Jason Robert Carter will be his name, your brother got your side of the family, we get my side of the family,” Nick said.

        “Okay, then, when we have a girl, her middle name will be Jane, but I was thinking of something else,” Brizee said.

        “What’s that,” Nick said.

        “When we have a girl, ask your mom if we can name her Leslie,” Brizee said. Nick looked at her.

        “I don’t need to, we are going to,” Nick said kissing her hand. Brian and Leighanne came in.

        “Hey guys, Dr. Kelly said we could come in, your family is out there, Nick,” Brian said.

        “I need to go talk to them,” Nick said kissing Brizee and went to the waiting room.

        “How’s Briz,” Susan said.

        “Still awhile to go, it’s in the early stages,” Nick said. He saw his mom sitting with BJ and Angel. He saw his dad sitting on the other side of the room with Ginger, Aaron, and Kayden. He went to his dad. Bob stood up and hugged him.

        “It’s hard to believe, my first son is having his first son,” Bob said hugging him.

        “We came up with a name, Dad, Jason Robert Carter,” Nick said. Bob smiled and hugged him.

        “I’m honored,” Bob said.

        “I love you, Dad, thanks for being here,” Nick said.

        “I love you, son, and there is nowhere else I would rather be,” Bob said. Nick hugged Ginger and Kayden and Aaron before going to Jane. He hugged Angel and BJ before sitting with Jane.

        “I’m proud of you, Nick,” Jane said.

        “Thanks Mom, we are naming him Jason Robert Carter,” Nick said.

        “I know your dad is happy about that,” Jane said.

        “He is, but Brizee and I are planning more kids, we will have your name for the girl as a middle name, but something I want to ask you, when she and I have a girl, we want to name her Leslie,” Nick said. Jane looked at him.

        “Leslie Jane, I like it, I know Leslie would like it too,” Jane said. Nick held her hand.

        “Brizee wanted me to ask you if it was okay if we named our girl after you and Leslie,” Nick said.

        “Of course it is,” Jane said. Nick hugged his mother. Everyone smiled. He went back to Brizee’s room.

Three hours later, she gave birth to the baby and they cleaned him up and laid him in Brizee’s arms. Nick and Brizee looked at their son.

        “Our baby boy,” Brizee said.

        “Yeah,” Nick said kissing her forehead. They took him to the nursery after getting pictures. They cleaned Brizee up and got her settled in a private room. Nick went out to tell everyone.

        “I have a son, he’s in the nursery, you can all see him, Briz is resting,” Nick said. Everyone hugged him. They went to the nursery and saw him.

        “He looks like Nick when he was born, doesn’t he, Jane,” Bob said.

        “He sure does,” Jane said. They all stood there watching the baby. Nick went to Brizee’s room and sat down beside her bed. She woke up and saw him.

        “Hey Daddy,” Brizee said.

        “Hey Mommy, everyone is looking at him at the nursery,” Nick said.

        “I bet the grandparents are swooning over him,” Brizee said smiling.

        “Oh yeah, I bet they are, I’m sorry your dad couldn’t make it down,” Nick said.

        “I’m sure my mom is taking pictures with her phone and send the pics to him,” Brizee said.

        “How was he with you and your brother,” Nick said.

        “He was so happy when my brother was born, my poor grandma told us that he came out and said it’s a boy and disappeared, my grandma had to go search for their room by herself,” Brizee said.

        “And with you,” Nick said.

        “Well, it wasn’t quite as simple, my brother was born doing the summer, I was born during a snowstorm, it took awhile to get to the hospital since it was like an hour away, it took longer with the snow, my dad dropped my mom off at the hospital and ran my brother over to my grandparents who lived not far from the hospital, by the time he got back, they were taking my mom to delivery, she almost named me Stormi,” Brizee said.

        “How come she didn’t,” Nick aid.

        “She wanted to keep with tradition, my dad and his siblings names all start with a C, so my mom wanted to keep with the letter B, of course one of my dad’s sister had to copy her, both her boys names start with a B, too,” Brizee said.

        “That was a problem?” Nick asked.

        “For my aunt Carol, oh yeah, she was mad because my mom had the firstborn grandson, my brother was born four days earlier than her son, than she got mad at my aunt Carmen because her second child was born two days before her son, my aunt Carol had jealously issues, she wanted her kids born first if anyone else in the family was pregnant at the same time, but you can’t know for sure exactly when you go into labor,” Brizee said. Nick sighed.

        “Well, we are starting a new era,” Nick said.

        “Yup,” Brizee said. She reached up and stroked his cheek.

        “I love you,” Nick said.

        “I love you, too, so are you going to go drool over your son,” Brizee said.

        “Let everyone else drool, I’m fine right here,” Nick said. He laid on the bed next to her. They went to sleep. Brian and Leighanne came in and saw them asleep. They went back out and met up with everyone else.

        “Brian,” Kevin said.

        “Briz and Nick are asleep, they need it,” Brian said.

        “To get ready for the months ahead,” Kristin said.

Three months later, Nick woke up and saw Brizee gone. He got up and got dressed and looked into the nursery and saw Jason gone from his crib. He went downstairs and found his wife and son in the kitchen. Brizee was holding Jason as she cooked.

        “Morning, baby,” Nick said kissing her forehead.

        “Morning,” Brizee said as he took Jason. He looked at his son and smiled.

        “Hey buddy,” Nick said.

        “He is looking more like his daddy every day,” Brizee said.

        “Yes, he is, but he has your nose,” Nick said.

        “The guys and girls are coming over, with the kids,” Brizee said. Nick sat down at the table.

        “What’s up,” Nick said.

        “I don’t know, Brian and Leighanne called for the meeting,” Brizee said.

        “Oh, I bet I know,” Nick said.

        “Oh gosh, I think she’s pregnant, she said she was wanting more kids, she said she didn’t want Baylee to be an only child,” Brizee said. She finished cooking and made him a plate. She took Jason as he ate. She sat down. He looked at her.

        “Honey, this is so good,” Nick said. He continued eating. He finished and he took Jason and she made a plate and ate while he played with Jason. The doorbell rang.  Nick got up with Jason and went to the door and opened it and saw Kevin and Kristin with Mason.

        “Hey guys,” Nick said.

        “Hey Nick, hey little man,” Kevin said smiling at Jason. Jason looked and gurgled.

        “Hey Kris,” Nick said.

        “Hey Nicky,” Kristin said hugging him and smiling at Jason. They went into the living room.

        “Where’s Briz,” Kevin said.

        “Eating breakfast, she held Jason while I ate and then I held him while she ate, she was still eating when you guys came, I should help her clean up,” Nick said. Kevin took Jason and Nick went into the kitchen. The doorbell rang. Kristin got up and opened it and saw AJ and Rochelle.

        “Hey guys,” Kristin said. They came in and saw Kevin holding Jason and playing with Mason.

        “Where’s Nick and Briz?” AJ asked.

        “Kitchen, cleaning up after breakfast,” Kristin said. AJ looked in and saw Brizee and Nick in a heated kiss by the sink. He ducked out and joined Kevin in the living room and played with the boys. Rochelle and Kristin sat down. The doorbell rang. AJ got up and opened the door and saw Howie and Leigh with James. They came in. James joined Mason on the floor. Howie and Leigh sat down. Brizee and Nick came in from the kitchen.

        “Hey guys,” Brizee said.

        “Get the kitchen cleaned up?” AJ asked.

        “Yup,” Nick said.

        “Um, I don’t know how you could with your tongue down Brizee’s throat,” AJ said.

        “AJ!” Rochelle said.

        “They weren’t cleaning, they were kissing,” AJ said.

        “You were spying on us,” Nick said.

        “I was coming in to say hi to you guys and saw you guys kissing so I ducked out,” AJ said. The doorbell rang. Brizee got up and opened the door and saw Brian, Leighanne, and Baylee.

        “Hey guys,” Brizee said.

        “Hey Briz,” Brian said hugging her. Leighanne hugged her. Baylee hugged her and joined Mason and James. Jason had ended up in Howie’s arms. They all sat down.

        “So what’s the meeting about,” Kevin said.

        “Well, me and Leighanne are having a baby, Baylee is going to be a big brother!” Brian said.

        “I knew it!” Brizee said.

        “Briz,” Leighanne said.

        “She guessed what the meeting was about from a conversation you guys had,” Nick said.

        “Remember, you told me you wanted another child,” Brizee said. Leighanne looked at her.

        “Oh my gosh, I remember that,” Leighanne said.

        “Congratulations, you guys,” Brizee said hugging them.

        “Thanks,” Brian said. Everyone hugged them.

        “While everyone is here, we have some news, Leigh is pregnant again,” Howie said. Everyone hugged them.

        “Wow, two Backstreet babies at once,” AJ said.

        “Make that three,” Rochelle said.

        “What,” AJ said.

        “Surprise, we are having a baby,” Rochelle said. AJ hugged and kissed her.

        “Wow, this is pretty big news,” Kevin said.

        “You bet, only thing that would make it bigger was if Brizee and Kristin announced they were pregnant, too,” Brian said looking at them.

        “Sorry, guys, not ready for another one quite yet, Jason is only three months, that’s too soon,” Brizee said.

        “How far apart are you and your brother,” Brian said.

        “Four years,” Brizee said.

        “You guys aren’t waiting that long,” Leighanne said.

        “No, we aren’t following in anyone’s footsteps, we are going with the flow, when it happens, it will happen,” Brizee said looking at Nick who hugged her.

        “Kris and I haven’t talked about having another kid,” Kevin said. Kristin nodded.

        “We know we want another one, but we are like Brizee and Nick, just going with the flow,” Kristin said. Kevin held her hand.

        “So sorry, guys, only three Backstreet babies this time around,” Brizee said. Jason was passed into her arms and she held her son. Nick kissed his son’s head.

        “Okay, then, now what do you guys think of the odds of having a backstreet baby girl,” AJ said.

        “I don’t know, maybe it will happen to you,” Howie said.

        “Probably so,” AJ said.

        “Hey guys, Nick and I were talking while I was in labor with Jason, when we have another baby and it’s a girl, we are naming her Leslie Jane,” Brizee said.

        “That’s perfect, I know Leslie would like that,” Brian said.

        “We know, Jane said that,” Brizee said.

        “Jane is really making up for everything, isn’t she,” Leighanne said.

        “Yeah, she’s the doting grandmother, she was here over the weekend,” Brizee said. She looked at Jason and hugged him close to her.

        “What happened,” AJ said.

        “She got on Brizee’s nerves, I had to ask her to leave,” Nick said.

        “You guys were getting along so well,” Kevin said.

        “Until she tried to tell Brizee how to raise my son, she told me that Brizee wasn’t doing anything right, that she wasn’t being a good mother to Jason,” Nick said.

        “What,” Brian said.

        “Jane is so wrong, I’ve watched you with Jason, Briz, you are a terrific mother,” Leighanne said.

        “Yes, she is, Jason couldn’t have a better mom,” Nick said kissing Brizee’s forehead.

Two months later, Jason was five months old and Nick was getting ready to go on tour. The girls and kids had to stay home. Nick was getting his bags ready. Brizee sat on the bed with Jason in her lap.

        “I wish I didn’t have to go, and leave you two behind,” Nick said.

        “We’ll be fine,” Brizee said.

        “I’ll just miss you guys,” Nick said.

        “And we will miss you, too, but we will be here when you come home,” Brizee said. He smiled and kissed her softly and kissed Jason’s forehead.

        “I love you, so much, and you too, buddy,” Nick said taking Jason in his arms. The phone rang.

        “Yeah, what, really, okay, bye,” Nick said.

        “What,” Brizee said.

        “Get your stuff and Jason’s and let’s go, you and the girls, and the kids are coming with us, Kevin got it approved with Johnny,” Nick said. Brizee packed her bags and Jason’s and went to meet up with the guys. They boarded Nick’s bus. They headed out on the road. Brizee sat down on the couch with Jason and Nick sat down. He stroked Brizee’s cheek.

Two weeks later, they were in New York and Jane had called wanting to see them. She apologized for what she said and she wanted to make it up to them. Nick had to be at the venue so Brizee made the trip to Jane’s house with Jason.

That night, Nick came backstage and didn’t see his wife and son. He looked at Billy.

        “I haven’t seen them,” Billy said. He called Brizee’s cell phone and went straight to voicemail.

        “What time do we have to leave,” Nick said.

        “Like now,” Billy said.

        “Tell the guys I’ll catch up, I have to go to my mother’s,” Nick said. Billy nodded and went and told the guys. Nick got his stuff together.

        “Nick,” Brian said.

        “Something is going on, she said she would be back for the show with Jason, her phone is going straight to voicemail,” Nick said. Brian looked at Kevin.

        “Let’s go to your mother’s,” Brian said. They got into a car and drove to Jane’s. Nick called his dad who didn’t live far from Jane’s house to meet them there. They arrived just as Bob did. They went up to the door. Nick rang the doorbell. Jane opened the door with Jason in her arms.

        “Hi honey,” Jane said. Nick took his son.

        “Where’s my wife,” Nick said.

        “She’s gone, Nick, she left Jason with me and took off,” Jane said. Nick saw the car Brizee had.

        “Why is the car here,” Nick said.

        “She walked,” Jane said.

        “What is going on!” Nick said.

        “She left, Nick, I’m sorry, she said she couldn’t handle being your wife and she said Jason deserved better than her,” Jane said.  Brian heard a noise coming from upstairs. The guys went in. Brian and AJ went upstairs and saw Brizee tied up on a bed in a spare room.

        “Oh god, Nick!” Brian said. He untied her as Nick came in with Jason.

        “Briz!” Nick said.

        “What is going on, Jane, why did you lie,” Bob said.

        “Jason deserves a better mother,” Jane said.

        “There is no better mother for him than Brizee, have you gone insane!” Nick said.

        “She isn’t doing it right,” Jane said.

        “Yes, she is, Mom, she knows what to do, she practically helped raise her nephews, she took care of them when they were babies, and her niece, she knows what she’s doing, Mom, I don’t know what you think she’s doing wrong but from what all of us can see, she’s the best mother ever, Jason is everything to her and me, she puts his needs before hers,” Nick said.

        “You have gone overboard, Jane,” Bob said.

        “I’m just protecting my grandson,” Jane said.

        “From what, his own mother?” Kevin said.

        “Yes,” Jane said.

        “Let’s get out of here, you are nothing to me, no more trying to fix things, no more of anything, we are done,” Nick said helping Brizee up after giving Jason to her. He carried them downstairs and out the door. He let her down and held Jason as she got into the car she came in. Brian handed her purse to her. Nick settled Jason into the car seat. He got in and looked at his wife. She looked at him. He held her hand.

        “You okay,” Nick said.

        “I will be, once we are away from here,” Brizee said. He started the car and drove to the venue. The guys followed. Nick parked and got out and got Jason. Brizee got out.

Three months later, the tour was over and they went home. Brizee settled Jason in his crib for a nap. Nick came in and hugged her as they watched their son sleep.

        “I love you,” Nick said kissing her neck.

        “I love you, too,” Brizee said. He led her to their bedroom and closed the door and they removed their clothes and laid on the bed and he made passionate love to her. He laid beside her and pulled her close. She rested her head on his chest as he kissed her forehead.

        “Oh god, baby, I love you so much,” Nick said.

        “I love you, too,” Brizee said.

        “And I love making love to you,” Nick said. She smiled and looked up at him.

        “I bet, you forgot protection,” Brizee said.

        “I know, baby, is that a problem?” Nick said.

        “You want to work on more kids so I can be pregnant along with Leighanne, Leigh, and Rochelle,” Brizee said.  

        “Just going with the flow,” Nick said. She smiled and moved on top of him and kissed him deeply. She sat up and he ran his hands over her body. She felt him against her. She looked at him and she moved and raised above him. She sank down on him and he moaned as he held her hips. She rode him as he thrusted up against her. She came around him and he came spilling inside her. She collapsed on top of him.

        “Oh god, baby,” Nick said.

        “I know,” Brizee said. She heard Jason fussing over the baby monitor. She smiled. She got up and put on her robe and went to his room and picked him up and changed him and carried him back to the bedroom. Nick smiled at the sight of his wife and son. She sat down on the bed with him. Nick took him and held him and pulled her close. She rested her head on his chest and watched him hold Jason.

Two months later, it was Jason’s first birthday and they were having a party for him at the house. Brian, Leighanne, Baylee, Howie, Leigh, James, Kevin, Kristin, Mason, AJ, Rochelle, Susan, Craig, Blake, Karly, TJ, Kenny, Bob, Ginger, Kayden, BJ, Aaron, and Angel were there. Karly was holding Jason.

        “He looks more like Nick every time I see him,” Susan said. Brizee smiled.

        “I know, he got more Nick in him than me, all he got from me is my nose,” Brizee said.

        “But he is a handsome boy,” Susan said.

        “Yup,” Brizee said.

        “Are you going to announce the news?” Susan asked quietly. Brizee smiled.

        “Yup,” Brizee said. They went out back with the snacks.

        “Everyone, Brizee has an announcement to make,” Susan said. Everyone quieted down and looked up at Brizee.

        “The birthday boy is going to be a big brother!” Brizee said. Everyone cheered and hugged her and Nick.

        “So now there will be four new Backstreet babies,” AJ said.

        “And you still will be the first one with the girl,” Nick said.

        “Probably,” AJ said.

Two months later, Brizee was four months along and she was at the doctor’s for her appointment. She sat in the waiting room looking at her watch. Nick was supposed to meet her there since he had a band meeting with the record label. Jason was with Leighanne. She sighed. She looked at her cell phone and saw no messages. The nurse called her name. She got up and went in. She sat in the room and waited for Dr. Kelly.  She came in and did the ultrasound.

        “I hear two heartbeats,” Dr. Kelly said.

        “Twins?” Brizee asked.

        “I believe so, and there is the picture and yup, two babies, congratulations,” Dr. Kelly said.

        “I better rest more often,” Brizee said.

        “You should be okay this time around,” Dr. Kelly said. She printed the picture and gave it to her and Brizee made another appointment and went out the door and walked out to the waiting room just as Nick ran in.

        “Briz, I’m so sorry, the meeting ran late,” Nick said.

        “Yeah, and you missed the appointment,” Brizee said.

        “I’m sorry, I got here as quick as I could,” Nick said.

        “It wasn’t quick enough,” Brizee said. She went out the door. Nick followed.

        “Briz,” Nick said.

        “I don’t ask for much, Nick, I’m not demanding, I’m perfectly content of being a wife and mother, but you had a part in this pregnancy, you should be involved with everything that goes on,” Brizee said.

        “I know, I’m sorry, I don’t know what else to say,” Nick said. She handed him the picture and walked out the door. He looked at it and saw two babies. He ran after her. He caught up to her at her car.

        “Briz,” Nick said.

        “I’ve got to go pick up Jason,” Brizee said.

        “I’ll get him,” Nick said.

        “Wow, that is a first,” Brizee said. She got into the car and went home. Nick went to Brian’s. He went in and saw Leighanne and Brian playing with Jason.

        “Hey man, look, Jason, there’s Daddy,” Brian said. Jason crawled to him and Nick picked him and hugged him.

        “Hey buddy,” Nick said. He sat down.

        “How did the appointment go,” Leighanne said.

        “I got there just as she came out, I missed it,” Nick said.

        “She mad?” Brian asked.

        “Furious, I should have just left the meeting and let you guys fill me in,” Nick said.

        “You knew the meeting was important,” Brian said.

        “Not as important as my wife,” Nick said. He handed him the picture. He kissed Jason’s forehead. Brian looked at the picture and looked at him.

        “Oh man, you guys are having twins,” Brian said. Nick nodded and hugged his son to him.

        “She is pissed,” Nick said.

        “Go home and make things right,” Brian said.

        “I don’t think I can make things right, I don’t know what I can do, she doesn’t ask for much, she’s fine with being a wife and mother, but me being at the appointments was the only thing she wanted and I let her down,” Nick said.

        “It’s not your fault the meeting ran late,” Brian said.

        “I should have been there for her,” Nick said.

        “Go home to your wife, talk it out,” Brian said. Nick nodded and got Jason’s bag and went home. He walked in and looked around. He walked into the kitchen and saw Brizee cooking dinner. She looked up and saw him and Jason. She went and got Jason and held him.

        “I’m fine with holding him while you cook,” Nick said.

        “I’m cooking for myself and Jason, you can find your own dinner,” Brizee said coldly.

        “Why are you being this way,” Nick said.

        “You know why,” Brizee said.

        “How many times do I have to say I’m sorry, huh, I know I said I would be there but the meeting ran late and that is not my fault, the guys wanted it over with as much as I did, I wanted to get out of there but the meeting was important, it’s part of my job, Brizee,” Nick said.

        “What about your job as husband and father, huh, does being a Backstreet Boy come before that job!” Brizee said.

        “No!” Nick said.

        “Obviously it does, if a meeting is more important than a doctor’s appointment with your pregnant wife,” Brizee said.

        “What do you want me to do, huh, quit the group, is that what you want!” Nick said.

        “No, because I know you won’t even if I asked, today just showed that the group is more important than your family,” Brizee said. She finished cooking and sat Jason in his high chair. She fixed her plate and sat down.

        “Nothing is more important than family,” Nick said.

        “But the guys are your family, too,” Brizee said.

        “But you guys are everything to me,” Nick said.

        “If we were, you would have found a way to be at the appointment, no matter what,” Brizee said. She ate.

        “I am sorry that I wasn’t there, I don’t know what else to say besides I’m sorry!” Nick said.

        “Sometimes sorry isn’t enough,” Brizee said.

        “Uggh!” Nick said. He went out the door and went back to Brian’s and told him and Leighanne everything.

        “I don’t know what else to do, it is like she wants me to give up the group just to be by her side 24/7,” Nick said.

        “Nick,” Brian said.

        “Maybe I should quit the group, something has to make her happy again,” Nick said.

        “No, don’t quit,” Brian said.

        “I don’t know what else to do, I don’t think anything will help this time, not even singing to her, I think I screwed up big time,” Nick said. He leaned forward and held his head in his hands. Brian looked at Leighanne.

        “I’ll go talk to her,” Leighanne said. She left.

        “I need to get away, maybe time apart will do some good, I’m going to go to my dad’s,” Nick said.

        “Nick, what about Jason,” Brian said.

        “He needs his mother more than he needs me,” Nick said. He went out the door and went to the airport and flew to New York and drive to his dad’s house. He rang the doorbell. Bob opened the door and saw him.

        “Hey Dad,” Nick said. Bob hugged him.

        “Brian called and said you were coming, you don’t have to ring the doorbell at my house, son, you know you are always welcome,” Bob said. Nick nodded and came in. Ginger hugged him and sat down with him. Nick told them what was going on.

        “I don’t know what else to do, I’ve done everything possible and nothing is enough, she is mad because I missed an appointment, one appointment and it’s the doghouse for me,” Nick said. Bob and Ginger did their best to comfort him.


Leighanne arrived back home and found Brian sitting with Baylee watching TV.

        “Where’s Nick,” Leighanne said.

        “He went to his dad’s,” Brian said.

        “She wanted him to come home, she wanted to apologize for what she was doing,” Leighanne said.

        “He needed to get away for awhile,” Brian said. Leighanne sat down and looked at him.

        “Did he tell her,” Leighanne said.

        “He didn’t tell her he was going up there, he figured she wouldn’t care,” Brian said.

        “I should tell her,” Leighanne said.

        “No, Leighanne, if Nick wants her to know where he is, he will call her,” Brian said. Leighanne nodded and settled in to watch TV with her family.


Brizee stood at the window with Jason, watching for her husband. She knew she was being stubborn and she wanted to make it up to him. She looked at Jason.

        “I wonder where your daddy is, Aunt Leighanne said she was going to tell him that he can come home,” Brizee said. She got her cell phone and saw a text from Nick.

        “Daddy went to Grandpa Bob’s and Grandma Ginger’s house, I really did it this time, buddy, I chased away your daddy,” Brizee said. She sent him a message asking him to come home to talk things out.


Nick heard his phone beep and he looked and saw a text from his wife asking him to come home to talk things out.

        “Nick,” Ginger said.

        “Briz asked me to come home to talk things out,” Nick said. Ginger sat down beside him.

        “She’s reaching out to you, Nick, she is probably regretting what she did,” Ginger said. Nick nodded and hugged her and hugged his dad and went to the airport and headed back home. He got into his car and went home. He parked and got out and went inside and saw the house dark. He locked up and went upstairs and found his son asleep in his crib.  He leaned down and kissed his son on his cheek. He went to his bedroom and saw his wife asleep on the bed. He went and got a shower and came out. He walked into the bedroom and saw her awake. He grabbed a pair of boxers and slipped them on. He got into bed and faced her.

        “I’m sorry for the way I was acting, I don’t know why I was acting that way, you shouldn’t apologize to me, you have nothing to be sorry for, I know you have a job to do and that the meeting was important and I know me and Jason are more important than music, I wish I could start the day over and not have been mad in the first place,” Brizee said. Nick stroked her cheek and leaned in and kissed her deeply.

        “Let’s just forget what happened and move on,” Nick said. Brizee smiled and he kissed her softly. His hands ran down her body and caressed her stomach.

        “Make love to me, Nick,” Brizee said. He kissed her as he removed their clothes and he gently and slowly made love to her. He laid beside her and rested his head on her shoulder and rested his hand on her stomach.

        “Our babies, we are going to have our hands full but so worth it,” Nick said.

        “Yeah,” Brizee said kissing his forehead.

        “I’m not going to miss the next appointment, I promise,” Nick said.

        “You can miss it if it has something to do with the group,” Brizee said.

        “I’m not missing it for anything, I’m a part of this, too,” Nick said.

        “Okay,” Brizee said. They went to sleep.

The next morning, Nick woke up to his cell phone ringing. He reached over and picked it up.

        “Yeah,” Nick said sleepily. Brizee woke up.

        “Hey Frack, everything okay,” Brian said.

        “Yeah, just fine,” Nick said. He looked at Brizee and smiled as he saw she was awake and watching him. She snuggled up to him.

        “You and Briz make up?” Brian asked.

        “Yup,” Nick said kissing her forehead.

        “Is it okay if we come over, Leighanne wants to take Brizee shopping,” Brian said.

        “Yeah, it’s cool, see ya,” Nick said. He hung up.

        “What’s up,” Brizee said.

        “Brian and Leighanne are coming over, Leighanne wants to take you shopping,” Nick said.

        “Oh, I just wanted to lay here in your arms all day,” Brizee said. Nick smiled and kissed her softly.

        “We can do that later,” Nick said. They got up and got dressed. Brizee looked in the mirror.

        “You look fine, baby,” Nick said. She smiled and kissed him deeply and went downstairs while Nick got Jason changed. He came downstairs with him and Brizee fed him. She kissed Jason’s forehead.  Nick hugged his wife and son close to him.

        “I love you both so much,” Nick said.

        “And we love you, right, sweetie,” Brizee said. Jason smiled up at his daddy.

        “Dada,” Jason said. Brizee looked at Jason and looked at Nick. Nick was smiling.   

        “His first word!” Brizee said.

        “Say something else, buddy,” Nick said.

        “Dada,” Jason said.

        “Can you say mama?” Nick said holding him. Jason looked at him. Brizee smiled.

        “He will say it when he is ready, he said his first word, that’s all that matters, he’s trying to talk,” Brizee said. Nick smiled and hugged her close. They went into the living room just as Brian and Leighanne came in with Baylee.

        “Hey guys,” Brian said.

        “Hey, you guys just missed it, Jason said his first word,” Brizee said.

        “That’s great, what did he say?” Brian asked.

        “Dada,” Nick said smiling.

        “That’s it?” Leighanne asked.

        “Yeah, he said it twice,” Nick said.

        “Briz,” Leighanne said.

        “What,” Brizee said.

        “You okay with that,” Leighanne said.

        “Of course, he’s trying to talk, it doesn’t matter what his first word is, all that matters is that he’s trying to talk,” Brizee said. She got her purse and kissed Nick and Jason and she and Leighanne left. Nick sat down with Jason as Brian got Baylee settled with a DVD.

        “So is she really okay?” Brian asked.

        “Yeah, I mean, he may have said Dada for his first word but all that matters is that he’s trying to talk,” Nick said.

Two weeks later, Nick was at a tour meeting. Jason was sleeping. Brizee was doing laundry when the doorbell rang. She went and looked out and saw her dad. She opened the door.

        “Hey Dad,” Brizee said as he hugged her.

        “Hey, I thought I would come down and see you and my grandson, and my son-in-law,” Craig said.

        “Well, Nick’s at a tour meeting, and Jason’s asleep,” Brizee said. She closed the door.

        “I can see you,” Craig said.

        “Where’s Mom?” Brizee asked.

        “She had to work, I have more time on my hands,” Craig said. Brizee smiled.

        “Oh, I know, she said you retired, how do you like it?” Brizee asked.

        “It’s great so far, don’t have to get up early to go to work, I can sleep all day if I wanted to,” Craig said.

        “But you decided to come down here,” Brizee said.

        “Well, your mom was down here for three weeks when you had Jason, it’s my turn, how’s the little ones,” Craig said.

        “Doing good, this one is much easier than with Jason,” Brizee said.

        “Mom said you had a couple of scares with Jason,” Craig said as they sat down.

        “Yeah, but I guess I was nervous and stressed because it was my first child and I was worried I wouldn’t be a good mother,” Brizee said.

        “You are a great mother, you have had practice with the boys and Karly, you didn’t have to be scared or worried,” Craig said. The front door opened and closed.

        “Honey, I’m home!” Nick said before coming into the living room.

        “Hi Craig,” Nick said shaking hands.

        “Hi Nick, you know you can call me Dad since you are married to my daughter,” Craig said.

        “Okay, Dad,” Nick said.

        “Did Mom tell you that Jason is trying to talk,” Brizee said.

        “Yes, she did, can he say grandpa?” Craig said.

        “No, he says Dada, that’s all he says,” Brizee said.

        “What, no mama,” Craig said.

        “Not yet,” Brizee said.

        “But we are working with him,” Nick said.

        “So how long are you staying?” Brizee asked.

        “Three weeks, if that’s okay,” Craig said.

        “That’s fine, you can bond with Jason,” Nick said. She went upstairs and came downstairs with Jason who was awake. She sat him in his grandpa’s arms.

        “Hey buddy,” Craig said smiling at his grandson.

        “Papa,” Jason said.

        “He said papa,” Craig said. He held him close.  Brizee sighed and leaned against the couch.

        “I’m sure he’ll say mama,” Nick said.

        “Yeah, you said that after he said dada and now he says papa, I’m sure he will,” Brizee said. She got up and went out the backdoor and sat down by the pool. Nick came out and sat down. She looked at him and looked at the pool.

        “You aren’t okay, are you,” Nick said.

        “I thought I was, I just don’t understand, Leighanne said that Baylee’s first words was mama, same with James and Mason, why is this so different, maybe I am not a good mother and Jason knows that in a way,” Brizee said.

        “Stop that, you are a great mother, Jason is being different, Brian said Baylee went three weeks before saying dada, maybe that’s what is happening with Jason, only backwards,” Nick said. Brizee looked at him.

        “I just so much want to hear our son say mama, that’s all I want,” Brizee said. Nick held her face in his hands.

        “He will, I know he will, he loves you, I know he does, when you went shopping yesterday, he cried after you left, even so he said dada, he was crying for his mom,” Nick said. He kissed her softly.

        “I love you,” Brizee said.

        “I love you,” Nick said. He kissed her tenderly. They went in and sat down and talked with Craig and played with Jason.

Two weeks later, Brizee, Nick, Craig, and Jason were over at Brian and Leighanne’s for a cookout. Nick and Craig stood at the grill talking with Brian who was cooking. Leighanne and Brizee sat talking. Brizee was holding Jason.

        “So he has said dada and papa but no mama,” Leighanne said. Brizee nodded and kissed her son’s head.

        “I love him so much, I can’t imagine life without him and Nick,” Brizee said holding him close. She looked down at her son who looked up at her.

        “Brian and I found out that we are having a girl, the first Backstreet girl since I’m due before Rochelle and Leigh,” Leighanne said.

        “And here we thought AJ would get the first Backstreet girl,” Brizee said.

        “Nope, me,” Leighanne said. Rochelle and Leigh came and sat down and they talked. Howie and AJ joined Nick, Brian, and Craig at the grill.

        “Four pregnant women, lord help us,” AJ said.

        “Hey, it won’t be that bad, we just have to be nice and sweet and wait on them and get them what they need and we can avoid the hormonal fits,” Nick said.

        “I don’t think that is possible, Nick, not with Briz anyway, she can throw one anytime, no matter what you do, trust me, from experience of being around her for 32 years,” Craig said.

        “How was your mother when she was pregnant with Aaron and Angel?” Brian asked.

        “Oh man, I’m doomed,” Nick said sitting down.

        “That bad?” AJ asked sitting beside him.

        “My dad was very doting on her and she would snap at him for no reason,” Nick said.

        “Face it, guys, we are doomed,” Brian said.

        “But the outcome is all worth it, guys,” Craig said.

        “That’s true, it will all be worth it in the end,” Howie said.

That night, Craig went to bed. Brizee got Jason settled into bed and came into the bedroom and closed the door and saw Nick standing at the window in his boxers. She went over and stood next to him and wrapped her arms around his waist. He put his arms around her and held her to him. He put a hand on her stomach and kissed her forehead.

        “I love you,” Nick said.

        “I love you, too,” Brizee said. He moved them over and he sat on the bed and stood her in front of him. They heard Jason fussing on the baby monitor. 

        “Mama,” Jason said through the monitor.

        “Oh my gosh, he said it!” Brizee said. She went to Jason’s room and saw him awake. She picked him up.

        “Mama,” Jason said.

        “Oh baby, I’m here,” Brizee said kissing his forehead. She carried him to the bedroom and sat on the bed.

        “Hey buddy,” Nick said sitting on the bed. Jason cuddled against Brizee.

        “I think he wants his mom tonight,” Nick said stroking Jason’s cheek.

        “Yeah, but nothing can top him saying dada as his first word, he loves you, too,” Brizee said. Jason reached out for Nick and Nick took him and held him as he cuddled against Nick. Brizee smiled.

        “See what I mean,” Brizee said.

        “We are both lucky, a son, and two more on the way, should we stop after that?” Nick asked.

        “We will wait and see,” Brizee said.

Four months later, it was getting closer to Brizee’s due date. She was sitting on the couch with her feet up. Nick was feeding Jason in the kitchen. Brian and Leighanne came in with Baylee and their new baby girl, Lizzie.

        “Hey girl,” Leighanne said sitting down with Lizzie.

        “She is so beautiful,” Brizee said.

        “I know, right, the first Backstreet baby girl,” Leighanne said. Brizee smiled at Lizzie.

        “Yup,” Brizee said.

        “Now there needs to be four more girls and they can be a girl group called Backstreet Girls,” Leighanne said.

        “I don’t know how well that will go with the guys,” Brizee said. She felt something.

        “Briz,” Leighanne said.

        “Something’s wrong,” Brizee said.

        “Nick!” Leighanne called. Nick and Brian came in with Jason. Nick handed Jason to Brian and knelt down by Brizee.

        “Honey,” Nick said.

        “Something’s wrong,” Brizee said holding her stomach. He helped her up and they all went to the hospital. Brian called AJ, Kevin, and Howie on the way and then called Brizee’s parents and Bob and Ginger. Brizee was in a room with Nick as Dr. Kelly examined her.

        “You’re in labor, Brizee, in the early stages and the babies should be well developed that it should be a normal delivery,” Dr. Kelly said. Brizee leaned against the pillows. Brian stuck his head in.

        “Hey, can I come in?” Brian asked.

        “Sure, it’s going to be awhile,” Dr. Kelly said. She left the room. Brian came in and came over and hugged Brizee and then Nick. He sat down in the chair as Nick sat on the bed beside Brizee.

        “What’s up,” Nick said.

        “Rochelle just went into labor in the waiting room, and Kristin just announced she’s pregnant, good thing we are here at the hospital,” Brian said.

        “Yeah,” Nick said.

        “Who’s got Jas?” Brizee asked.

        “He is keeping Uncle D company while Leigh is in with AJ and Rochelle,” Brian said.

        “Can you guys keep him until we are home from the hospital,” Nick said.

        “Sure can,” Brian said.

Three hours later, Dr. Kelly checked her and said she had few more hours to go. Nick sat with her. Brian came in.

        “Another Backstreet girl, Ava Denise McLean,” Brian said.

        “That’s great, I’m glad they put AJ’s mom’s name in there,” Nick said.

        “Yeah, are you still going to do Leslie Jane?” Brian asked.

        “I don’t know about that,” Nick said.

        “Leslie Sue, no Jane, even if they both are girls, no Jane, not anymore,” Brizee said.

        “So if they are both girls,” Nick said.

        “Leslie Sue and Hayley Marie,” Brizee said.

        “Where did Marie come from?” Nick said.

        “It sounds better than Hayley Mary,” Brizee said.

        “Mary?” Nick asked.

        “My grandma’s name, my mom’s middle name, Marie is as close as I can get to Mary and it sounds better with Hayley, if one is a boy, Michael Thomas Carter,” Brizee said. Nick kissed her forehead.

        “Okay,” Nick said.

The next day, they were holding the twins in their arms. They were a boy and a girl.

        “Hey Michael,” Brizee said holding the boy in her arms.

        “Hi Leslie,” Nick said holding the girl. Dr. Kelly came in.

        “Names?” Dr. Kelly asked.

        “Leslie Sue Carter,” Nick said.

        “Michael Thomas Carter,” Brizee said. Dr. Kelly nodded.

        “Brian is wanting to come in,” Dr. Kelly said.

        “Okay,” Nick said. Brian came in and saw the babies and smiled.

        “They are so adorable,” Brian said.

        “Thank you, Uncle Brian,” Nick said.

        “So what are their names?” Brian said.

        “Well, she is Leslie Sue Carter,” Nick said.

        “Sue?” Brian asked.

        “I didn’t want Jane as a middle name anymore,” Brizee said. Brian looked at Nick who nodded.

        “Who would blame her after what she did,” Nick said.

        “Where did Sue come from?” Brian asked.

        “My middle name, short version of my mom’s name,” Brizee said.

        “Okay, Brizee Sue, what’s his name,” Brian said looking at the baby boy in her arms.

        “Michael Thomas Carter,” Brizee said smiling.

        “Thomas?” Brian asked.

        “Only seemed right,” Brizee said.

        “That’s my middle name,” Brian said.

        “Well, you are my best friend, Frick, you helped us get together by suggesting making the marriage work, and I followed your advice and found my true love,” Nick said looking at Brizee who looked at him and smiled. Brian looked at them both and smiled.

        “I’m honored,” Brian said hugging Nick and kissing Brizee’s cheek.

        “Uncle Brian, would you like to hold your newest godson,” Brizee said. Brian smiled and took Michael in his arms.

        “Hey little guy, I’m your Uncle Brian,” Brian said. Michael opened his eyes and looked up at him.

        “Brown eyes like his mom,” Brian said.

        “Yup, instead of another blue eyed boy, we get a brown eyed boy and a blue eyed girl,” Nick said looking at his daughter sleeping in his arms. Leighanne brought Jason in.

        “Hey buddy,” Nick said laying Leslie in Brizee’s arms and went and picked up Jason.  Jason looked at his mom.

        “Mama,” Jason said.

        “Hey buddy, want to meet your little sis,” Brizee said. Nick sat on the bed next to her with Jason in his lap. Jason cuddled against Nick.

        “I think he is too young to understand what’s going on,” Leighanne said.

        “I think you are right,” Brizee said kissing Leslie’s forehead. She let Leighanne hold her while Brizee took Jason in her arms and hugged him to her. He snuggled against his mom.

        “His first words may have been dada but he’s become mama’s boy,” Brian said.

        “Yeah, he says mama all the time now, even when he’s alone with his dad,” Brizee said.

        “And you are okay with that, Nick?” Brian asked.

        “I have to be, he’s saying mama now, I’m not going to keep him from that, he knows who I am,” Nick said.

Two years later, Jason was three years old and the twins were turning two. It was their birthday party. Jason was helping Nick getting everything set up. They got done and Jason jumped on his father’s back and Nick carried him into the kitchen where Brizee was getting the food ready. Brian and Leighanne were keeping the twins and Lizzie entertained with Baylee’s help.

        “Hey honey, everything is set up, right, bud?” Nick asked.

        “Yup!” Jason said. Brizee smiled and she hugged Nick and kissed Jason’s cheek.

        “Now you guys know that this isn’t just a party for the twins, but also Ava’s birthday party, too,” Brizee said.

        “We know, Mommy,” Jason said.

        “I sent a text to AJ, they should be here soon,” Nick said.

        “Well, the food is ready, I need to sit down,” Brizee said as she sat down at the table.

        “You okay, honey,” Nick said.

        “Mommy, are you tired?” Jason asked.

        “Just a little bit, your new little brother or sister is kicking up a storm today,” Brizee said rubbing her expanding stomach. Nick smiled and let Jason down and sat down in the chair next to her and rested his hand on her stomach.

        “He or she just wants to be included in the party, I guess,” Nick said.

        “Are you sure you don’t want to find out what this one will be?” Brizee said as Jason ran upstairs to his room.

        “I like being surprised, just as we were with the twins,” Nick said. He kissed her softly.

That night after the party and everyone went home and the kids were asleep in their beds. Nick and Brizee went to their room and closed the door and they went into the bathroom and undressed and got into the shower and soaped up each other and rinsed off. He held her close and kissed her passionately. They got out of the shower and dried off. He wrapped a towel around his waist and a towel around her. He went and locked the door and he removed the towels and he laid on the bed and she got on top of him and they made love. She laid beside him afterwards. He moved to his side and kissed her softly and rubbed her stomach. She clasped his hand on her stomach as the kiss deepened.

        “I love you so much, baby,” Nick said.

        “I love you, too,” Brizee said. He stroked her cheek and kissed her softly. He helped her up to get dressed in her pajamas and he got a shirt and shorts on and he unlocked the door and they got into bed and she laid on her back while he laid on his side and went to sleep with their hands on her stomach. The next morning, Jason came in and got on the bed and laid on his father. Nick woke up and saw him and smiled.

        “Hey buddy,” Nick said.

        “Hi Daddy,” Jason said. He saw Brizee sleeping.

        “Mommy sleeping,” Jason said quietly.

        “Yeah, let’s go so she can sleep,” Nick said. He got up with Jason and they quietly walked out the door and closed it and he checked Leslie and Michael and saw them waking up. He got them changed and they went downstairs and Nick started breakfast.

        “Where’s Mommy?” Leslie asked.

        “She’s still sleeping, let’s let her stay sleeping, she needs it,” Nick said.

        “Is the baby sleeping, too?” Michael asked.

        “I hope so,” Nick said. Brizee came downstairs.

        “Hey guys,” Brizee said.

        “Mommy!” Leslie said going to her and hugging her legs.

        “Hi baby girl,” Brizee said sitting down to hug her daughter. Michael and Jason hugged her.

        “Mommy, we are happy,” Jason said.

        “You are,” Brizee said.

        “We have the best parents in the world,” Jason said.

        “And I have the best bro and sissy,” Michael said. Nick smiled and knelt down between his boys as Leslie snuggled close to her mother.

        “And we have the best kids, we love you all,” Nick said.

Brizee smiled as she watched her sons hugged their dad and she knew they would always be happy. She was glad that Lauren set up the marriage because when she and Nick met, she saw the sparks fly between them.